xxxxi | a fix of fixing

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THE COLD NIPPED at my skin as I sat in the patio area, surrounded by snow.

The temperature wasn't the only reason I liked winter. The deep purple and blue hues in the night sky, riddled with sporadic stars, highlighting the snow-capped pine trees surrounding the property was breathtaking.

I was a sucker for winter scenery; there was something so mystical and familiar about it.

In retrospect, I should've brought a jacket. I wasn't expecting to spend the last ten minutes sitting outside, and foolishly thought the body heat and anger coursing through me would be sufficient.

The door opened, the light from inside brightening the snow-covered pathway.

"Hi, honey," Effie spoke gently, holding out a jacket. "Jace wanted me to give this to you."

Of course, he did. With a reluctant smile, I accept the jacket, slipping it around my shoulders. Instantly, the familiarity of his musk invaded my nose as I inhaled, taking more of it in.

"Thanks," I mumbled, resting my head against her shoulder when she sat down next to me.

She interlocked her hand with mine, placing her head on top of mine. "You should've seen him in there. I don't think I've ever heard him speak so much in the time I've known him."

"What did he say?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Well, I'm not going to rehash everything, but he ripped poor Addie a new one," she replied, pinching my thigh when I scoffed. "Kim, honey, what happened to you two? You and Addie used to be so close."

With Mom and Aunt Lucy having their biases since their kids were the ones fighting, it made sense that Effie was here. She was like a mother-figure to both of us, making her the epitome of neutrality.

"Tell her that," I muttered, soothing the skin. "I don't get what her deal is."

"What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath. "I love her. I really do. But she's had something against me ever since what happened to me and Ash, and I have no idea why. She doesn't even ever want to talk about it, and I'm sick and tired of being the first one to initiate everything."

"That was a rough time in all of our lives," Effie admitted. "She really didn't tell you anything?"

"Nope," I replied, popping the p. "And she's always mad when I'm hanging with Ash or Audie as if she has a right to be mad. It's not my fault that she never stepped up for her own siblings. She doesn't know jackshit about Audrey and acts like it's my fault. Plus, now, she's mad at me for marrying Jace because she had a crush on him. Newsflash, honey, I didn't choose that. Sure, things are going well between him and I, but you know that I never wanted to marry."

"Trust me," she sighed. "I know that feeling better than anyone. Don't let her get to you. Until she opens up and explains, don't think of it as your fault, sweetie. We all cope with everything in odd ways. Addie chose to shut everyone out and you chose to try and fix everything"—I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off—"which is overwhelming for you. Don't even try to deny it."

"What? So, I'm mad because I want to fix her?"

"You're mad because she's the only one you haven't been able to fix," she countered. "Kim, it's not your responsibility to be the solution to everyone's problems. It sucks to say, but fixing them won't fix the emotional turmoil you feel. It's easy to think that if everyone else is fine, you'll be fine. But the only way to be fine is to put yourself first."

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