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Hello my beautiful magnets! How are we all doing today?

This story took a different turn to what I thought at the beginning, it's so different from the things I wrote before, But that's also what got me so excited.
It was meant to be a one shot, but anxiety won and I split it in two parts.

Is actually based in Harry's House. And I have had the idea and plot in mind since the album was released.
But as I said, it took a different turn when I actually started writing.

Hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

Btw, I also love the cover I made. I believe it's so damn accurate and cute.


zouisreunited and ssshhh005. Claimed this one a while ago.

So, I really really want you guys to enjoy it and hopefully not let you down.

Tell me your thoughts at the end, yeah?

Mag 🦋

[Harry's POV]


It's just a soft knock on the door, but in this place, everything just sounds louder.
Just one tiny sound can make your ears buzz, can echo in the large halls and the long corridors, even the whispers can be heard by everyone inside the castle.

Nothing was discreet, nothing could be kept a secret; and hiding, just wasn't for everyone.

But the Prince and the Duque managed to do it successfully for months, hiding their love, their encounters, their glances, their pleasure and their night confessions.

Being together was just something they couldn't get enough of.
And they only found out how much it meant to them those times when they lost it.
When they were apart.

For Duque Henry things weren't easy.
He was continuously suffering from their love, because he knew they could never be happy, not when Prince Luca was married to a beautiful princess and the castle was watching his every move.

He always knew he was just Luca's side lover. And it was slowly killing him.

After the soft knock, a letter slid under Henry's door, that love letter he always received when the Prince needed to go away for royal duties, that letter that Henry always despised but loved at the same time.
Because of course, all the things that came from his precious Luca, his lover, were sacred for Henry.

Even if it hurt him.

"My darling, my cherished love, you are the love of my life, you know that and even if I'll be gone for a while, you know I'll take you with me just like every time I go away.
These circumstances are unfortunate, I know. But believe me when I say this is not what I want, to leave you behind.

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