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Here it is! FINALLY.

This story has been a hell of a ride.

And I know I gave it all of me for it.

I'm really proud of the result, and I hope you like it as much as I do.

You must have noticed that I wrote the songs backwards. Starting with loml and ending with mfasr.
Well, that was because I read a theory that said that Harry's house needed to be listened backwards.

And it actually makes more sense that way.
It tells a story when listened backwards.

So, if you didn't do it, I suggest you do.
Listen attentively to the album from end to beginning and it'll be a really different thing.

Also, (for those who don't know) or maybe not all of you receive my notifications, but I published The Sound Of The Sea in Amazon, so if you're interested in buying it, the link is in my bio. It's on Kindle and paperback.

Okay, I think that might be all.

I really hope you like this, it took me a lot of hours to finish and I really think I did my best.

Love you all,
Mag 🦋


Henry found Luca sitting in the garden of their secret place where they used to spend night after night.

When he finally looked up and saw his lover's eyes, he knew why he was there. He knew what Henry was going to ask and he already had an answer.

Without second thoughts, Luca took Henry back. And Henry couldn't be more grateful. Because he would always have a place in Luca's life, a spot inside his heart.

So, just like that they started to plan their getaway.

And the day finally came.

It was a sunny afternoon, both of them draped in old clothes so they could hide away and not be recognized.

He had the love of his life right by his side and they were going to make it.
They were going to have a life together away from people that could judge them.

Henry was over with his royal days.
He was over with being the Duque.
He was so over the white neat marble floors and the pink roses decorating the halls.

Henry had Luca by his side, smiling at him, crinkles forming by his eyes, and he knew right there that there would never be someone so perfect for him as Luca was.

He knew he wouldn't have made it through without him. That the answer was right there in front of his eyes.
It always was.

It was just him and Luca.

He was always there. He didn't need to overthink it.

The sky was changing from light blue to pink and orange, the silhouette of the castle was still visible in the distance, and Henry stared at it for a minute or two, and he decided he had no regrets.

He tried to count up all the places they could travel to now.
All the places, different memories and new faces that were yet to come.

They could bury their past selves together, and start a new life from scratch. They could be whoever they wanted now.
They had the absolute freedom to do it and be happy.

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