"Here babe, do you like this one?" I asked the girl smiling widely when I showed her a doll of her favorite movie
"Yes Mowm! That one!" She shouted jumping up and down
"Okay then, I'm gonna buy this one for you" I smiled walking directly to the cashier
"Hi mom! Good morning!" The cashier greeted as I gave her the doll
"This'll be €10 mom" I payed her and gave it to Darcy
"Wanna eat babe?" I asked her as she nodded not peering his gaze off of the doll
I brought her in starbucks to buy her favorite pesto bread and her strawberry blended juice, I and her father's favorite.
Everything that she does reminds me of her father not mentioning her beautiful face tho.
"Okay babby, just sit here and don't go anywhere okay? Mommy will just buy your favorite food" she nodded playing with her doll
I lined up on the cashier waiting for my turn.
"Okay lads, just gonna grab a coffee " I told lou and hanged up
I entered the store for my nose to be met by the relaxing aroma
I walked not noticing the small girl that I bumped into
"Ow!" She whined rubbing her butt
"Oh sh-.. sorry darling" I picked her up totally getting lost of her green orbs just like mine, Soft curls just like mine, deep dimples just like mine. It's like she's from me, having the same blood as mine.
She suddenly giggled when she saw me staring
"Hi miwster!" She laughed as I shook my head, I grabbed her doll and gave it to her. She smiles so wide. I don't know why, but I can see the love of my life to her, Y/N.
"Sorry darling! What's your name hun?" She raised her brows
"Only mowm cawl me that, buwt I don't mwind. You're so hawndsome sir, I cawn seew myswelf frowm you" she giggled when i ruffled her hair
She lend her hands for a shake hand
"My nawme is Darcy sir." My eyes widened when she told me her name.
"Oh.. H-Hi Darcy!" I shook her hand
"Mom!" She shouted making my heart beat picked a fast pace. Turning my head and there she is.