Chapter 1

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MAY 2015

It's been two years since graduation. Two very painful years after the night my best friend raped me. Even now, after so many nights of quiet sobs into my pillow, I couldn't wipe the image out of my mind. His face satisfied and chilling to the back bone, kept popping back to my throbbing head as a figure, hovering above me, pressing me against the rough cold ground. Why haven't I seen any of it coming? I keep revisiting the scene, involuntarily, trying to figure out what I've missed, what clues I haven't foreseen to avoid such a travesty.

"Hey, girl, are you going out tonight?" Ian, my flat mate, asked swaying in the doorway on Saturday night.

We lived in a semidetached two-story house Ian's parents rented out for us in Compton, California. Although we were both capable of paying our rent, his parents were stuffed with cash and insisted to fund us until we both reach our dream careers - a Hollywood Dream. As laughable as it may sound, I didn't graduate from New York Film Academy for nothing. Ian comes from a rich family of professional theatre performers. Whilst I, on the other hand, grew up in gritty Chicago suburbs with both of my parents working their arses to fund my ambitions. All in all, I feel extremely grateful for their determination to provide their only child with the best there is in life.

"Will there be any guys?" I asked agitated, tidying my hair into a long ponytail behind my back in front of a tall mirror next to my bed.

"Oh, Samantha Beales, you know there will be boys everywhere you go in life. Don't you think it's time to put the past behind you and move on?" Ian crossed his skinny hands across his chest.

If someone else said that to me, I'd punch him or her right in the face but knowing Ian, I couldn't be mad at him. His words, truthful and honest, mean what's best for me.

"Besides, my boyfriend Callum will be there." He added, "we'll protect you!" Ian snorted cheekily and came to sit on the foot of my freshly made bed.

"You and your skinny biceps? I don't think so!" I chortled, unable to keep the grin off my face.

As cute and delicate both of them were, I'd need a strong hunky man to save me from a possible rape. And I could take no chances.

Ian's beautifully plucked eyebrows rose in a surprised frown. Plump lips went downwards in a sad grimace and shooting his round brown eyes out, he looked like a sad, lost puppy. "Skinny biceps?" He mouthed quietly in a theatrical whimper.

"Oh, there, there! Don't cry." I dramatized by raising my chin up, "You know, I think I'll stay at home and watch a movie with Meow. He loves furry dramas." I noted and we both finally laughed heartily.

Ian's dark eyes narrowed as he watched me change into a comfortable pajama pants. He's been with me every step of my long recovery and I knew I could trust him hundred percent. I could never show more than a bare arm or an ankle to a stranger, let alone to a man. But Ian was everything I needed in a friend - loyal, funny and most importantly, understanding. He knew what it was like to be different. A black sheep in this overly sexualized world and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

"Ok, suit yourself, princess! And I think we have a new face in the neighborhood. I saw sizzling hot yummy pants jogging this morning on my way back from work. Dah-yum!" Ian wiggled his hand and left the room making silly roaring sounds on his way down the stairs.

God, I love this man!


"Babe, I'm out!" Ian yelled from his room, "if you need anything, just call!" He then added and I heard him walk down the stairs.

"Alright! I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun!" I screeched and as soon as I heard the front doors slam shut, I made my way to our shared living room downstairs, where we had our finest collection of books and a flat screen plasma TV mounted to the wall.

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