Chapter 7

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"Oh Sam. Fierce as ever."

Daniel had very little understanding of the pain he caused me and the misery I went through to heal the mental scars he'd left. He was the last person on earth I expected to meet again and seeing him in Compton was beyond my comprehension. How did he find me?

I turned around, ever so slowly, to look at his disgusting face. My mind was racing to all directions and I considered punching him in the teeth but I'm better than that. He doesn't deserve my anger or fear, he deserves nothing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked through my teeth, trying to subside the growing quake within me.

"I came to see how you're doing. I see you haven't changed much. Did you have a haircut? It suits you."

The flattery won't get him far. I looked down at the phone in my hand and was about to tap three digits to call the police when he grabbed my wrist into an iron grip.

"Oh no, you won't." He shook his head, looking at me then my cell with eyes reddened with rage. "I lost two years out of my life because of you." Daniel spat angrily, "And now you'll need to pay for that."

"Let go of me." I heaved, unable to pull my hand out of his tight grip. "I'll start screaming."

"If you do, I'll make sure you won't reach home after work."

"Your threats mean nothing! Have you got any idea what you've taken from me? At least you lived in your cell! You killed me the night you fucking raped me, you bastard! I hate you from the bottom of my heart and it is you who won't be able to reach home, wherever you live now!"

I could hardly breathe, with my heart in my throat and body shaking in a sudden panic attack. I've noticed the entire cafe was looking at us, none of them moved a muscle to come to my rescue. They saw Daniel's hand on mine and not even a bulky bald guy, who looked like he spends at least ten hours in his local gym every day, came to help my sorry ass.

"You see, I'm stronger now. Thanks to you and prison facilities, I practically lived on free weights and boxing rink. I can take you out easier than I did back then and this time, you won't live to tell anyone." Daniel groaned into my face.

I could smell a tobacco drenched stink coming out of his mouth and it made me queasy to the point I swayed weakened. What if he rapes me in front of those people? None of them are of any help, they probably wouldn't care if he assaulted me right there and then.

"I don't think so." A familiar raspy voice appeared from behind me. I exhaled relieved with tears in my eyes building fast. "Let her go or you'll regret the day you were born." The pitch, so authoritative and powerful.

Dorian showed up out of the blue, when I least expected his presence. I had no idea how he found me but I thanked all the Gods and Saints for his miraculous rescue.

"Oh look, Sam's got a boyfriend!" Daniel smirked sarcastically and loosened the grip on my wrist.

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