Chapter 29

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The next morning, we've got rudely woken up by a loud ringtone of Dorian's cell. It could have surely raised dead from the graves with its annoying chirping.

For the first time in a long time, I slept with a man by my side and it couldn't have felt any more satisfying. Waking up with Dorian's big body next to mine seemed like a paradise.

Flashing a wide grin at me, he rolled on his side and ignored the call. His piercing gaze examined my sleepy face and before I can murmur a 'good morning', Dorian planted a gentle kiss on my lips. "You look so beautiful in your sleep."

"I wouldn't know." I giggled, feeling mesmerised by his fierce stare.

"I could get used to this quite easily." He licked his bottom lip then reached for a wayward hair strand on my cheek.

His touch made me wince back involuntarily - I was yet to learn how to be so close to a man once again. And although it all felt so natural, I couldn't help but keep the bubble around me for a little longer just in case I burn myself in this crazy little thing called love.

Dorian's cell began shrieking again as a reminder that today will be a busy day. He lazily rolled on his back and reached out for the phone on the nightstand.

"Hello?" He cleared his throat several times to sound as poised as possible, still smiling and watching me with a corner of his eye. "Okay. We'll be ready in an hour." Dorian nodded to himself, "sounds good. I'll see you later, Michael."

A wide yawn escaped my lungs and I felt a gush of excitement ripple through me in crushing waves. I was almost ready to meet Dorian's family. Almost.

"We have an hour before a chauffeur comes to pick us up. We need to hurry." He pointed then slid out of bed. Naked in front of me, he stretched his arms above his head.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of his broad frame, illuminated perfectly in the early sunlight coming through partially closed heavy drapes. He must have noticed how I timidly but eagerly ate him all with my beaming stare.

"Shower?" He asked softly with a quirky smirk across his lips.

My core spasmed with the thought of bathing with Dorian. Yesterday rendezvous came flashing back, bringing oozing sensation down my thighs. I nodded enthusiastically and sprinted out of bed, following him to the shower cubicle in an en-suite bathroom.

I kept trying to cover my most intimate parts as if Dorian hasn't seen anything last night. He explored me like an undiscovered map, my body was his temple just hours ago.

Swallowing past an icy lump in my stomach, I joined him under a warm water. Pressing against me, Dorian splashed some water over his chest then held a bottle of shower gel in front of me. "Would you do the honours and lather me, Samantha?" His voice hoarse and suggestive, I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to.

Rubbing some gel between my palms and fingers, I ran my hands over his smooth chest. I felt his muscles contract under my touch, his ripped body melted with each stroke I made over his broad shoulders and hips. I made sure not to miss a single spot, working my hands from top to bottom, stopping just above his pubic bone.

My finger inexplicably ran over his stiff shaft when my knees weakened with a growing arousal.

"I'm hungry for you." He breathed out into my damp hair then sucked into my lips.

Dorian squeezed some more gel into his hands and began effortlessly lathering my back and buttocks. He cupped both of my arse cheeks and that is when I couldn't hold back anymore. I wrapped my fingers around his thick penis and worked it up and down, making Dorian growl hoarsely.

"Oh, God."

"Make love to me." I demanded, unable to catch my breath.

Butterfly wings kept fluttering deep in my stomach and suddenly, I felt lightweight as if submerged under water. Dorian's fingers reached for my nipples and expertly pinched them both only to make me gasp louder.

"Turn around." He suggested, his face flushed with excitement.

I did as asked. Spreading my legs just a little wider, I leaned against cold tiles and closed my eyes. Unable to see or predict his next move, I patiently waited in anticipation. Dorian took my waist into a steady grip and moved closer until his prick rammed against the curve of my spine. The velvety tip of his penis brushed against my skin which made me bite my lip to stifle a growing moan in my throat.

"I want all the world to know how much you mean to me." Dorian murmured ever so quietly, almost inaudibly in an echo of running water above us. "I will introduce you as my girlfriend."

His words sent a tidal shiver down my entire body, leaving my skin covered in million goosebumps. "I'd like that very much."

"If love had a name, I'd call it Samantha Beales." He panted heavily under his breath and inserted his length into my needy centre.

Shower gel lather made the thrust effortless and I had no doubt, I wanted the sensation to last. Dorian belonged to me. In me. I was suddenly depending on his body - I could almost sacrifice myself for the heartfelt desire I held to the man standing behind me. In me.

Lunging deeper, his grip became firmer on my waist. A repetitive thrust motion became a rhythmic approach to the big and overwhelming O.

"I'll cum any second now." Dorian wheezed from behind me.

The pace increased along with the single finger strokes between my hypersensitive thighs.

A loud cry echoed when a synchronised climax swept through us both at the same time. My entire body shook and quaked as the orgasm violently rippled through and hearing Dorian's heavy pants in my ear made the orgasm linger even longer.


"Ready?" Dorian asked, standing in the doorway on our way out to meet the chauffeur downstairs. He checked himself in the mirror then twisted to look at me with the warmest smile forming his lips.

I shook my head mouthing a quiet 'no'. There was no point in lying, when the only thing that bombarded my mind was whether his family will like me or not. Earlier, I was determined to be ready but once it was time to finally go and meet his parents, I chickened out.

Dorian took a step closer to me and cupped my face into his hands. "I'll be sitting right next to you. You don't have to be worried about anything."

"Thank you. It's not every day I meet my...," a word boyfriend might have been too blunt. Too soon. "Parents of my friend."

"You can say it." He sent a wink at me.

"Say what?" I felt my cheeks burn crimson red.

"I am your boyfriend, aren't I?"

Did he have to highlight the obvious? It was hard enough to think about it, let alone piece those letters together out loud. "Of course."

"That's my girl." Dorian's lips brushed with mine in a short embrace before we raced downstairs, where a shiny black Maserati was parked on the curb across the street.

My jaw nearly fell to my ankles when I saw a uniformed balding man step out of the vehicle to open the back door for us. I had a feeling his parents will be rich but I had no idea they'll be millionaires. Perhaps billionaires for all I knew.

"This is Gregory, our driver for today." Dorian said enthused and waved for me to climb in the back seat.

"Miss." Chauffeur lifted his hat up an inch and bowed his eyes as if I wasn't any different to all other rich brats he's driven around.

"Thank you, Gregory." I smiled politely and slid in the seat, followed by grinning Dorian.

"Just so you know, this lifestyle isn't a routine in my every-day life. Not that I can afford it anyway."

"It's all so strange and new to me." I admitted, looking around myself in a spacious interior. Black leather seats had tiny lights on the sides with a tray for drinks in the middle. Tinted windows gave a cosy feel to otherwise strict space.

Dorian watched my awe-ridden face then leaned and whispered close into my ear. "One of those days, I'll take you for a drive around the city and make love to you in this seat."

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