Chapter 9

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I wasn't sure myself whether I already let Dorian in but even if I did, it wasn't exactly by choice. I wasn't given an option to wait and see what happens with my neighbour across the street - it was more like a life-or-death situation when in order to live at all, I had to let Dorian inside - in my home and in my soul. He was slowly growing on me, with his caring hand and in that moment, I couldn't have felt any safer than having him by my side.

Dorian gently squeezed my hand and pulled me out of his car in his driveway. Ian's Chevy was parked in the driveway on the other side of the street and I was dreading to see his reaction when I'll fill him in on everything that happened this morning.

"Hey, baby girl!" Ian heard us shut the doors behind, "I brought us some dinner!"

He hurried out the kitchen with a welcoming smile on his lips but as soon as he saw us in front of him, Ian froze with his jaw hitting the floor. "What the fuck?" He exclaimed in a loud groan, frowning at Dorian then fixing his eyes on me.

Dorian stepped in front of me and calmly walked Ian back to the kitchen, leaving me stand in hallway, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. The sight must have been terrifying to say the least.

"Samantha has had an accident upstairs in the bathroom." I heard Dorian tell Ian, "She hit her head and had to have stitches up her scalp. She'll be fine but there's a more serious problem on the go. I trust you're her best friend and I want you to know that I'll take a good care of Samantha."

I leaned back to the wall and listened to a quiet chatter across the hall. "Why were you at our house when she hit her head? And what do you mean by more serious problem?" Ian's voice echoed angrily.

"Daniel is back for revenge. And he'll do anything to get to Samantha. She can't be left alone."

"Daniel?!" Ian screeched making me jump a little, "You're kidding, right?"

"I saw him with my own eyes. He approached us in the cafe downtown and called Samantha just before she slipped and hit her head."

I heard Ian sigh, "It cannot be real."

"I'm afraid it is."

My legs tired from standing and I've decided to change into my PJ's, slip under covers and have a so much needed rest. As I was about to make my way up the stairs, Ian ran up to me and hugged my shoulders in a tight embrace. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I know you're scared lifeless right now but just so you know, you have an entire army behind you." He threw a glance back at Dorian who stood leaning to a wall. "We'll be here if you need anything."

"Thank you, Ian. I don't know what I'd do without you." I squeezed him back.

"Me and Sizzle-Pants." He whispered in my ear, bringing a tiny smile into my lips.


I ran for life only to realise that I wasn't running at all. My legs were in a quicksand, with a dark figure approaching me fast. I twisted and turned, pleading for the figure to help but a shadow casted over me proved my worst fear - it was Daniel carrying a rifle in his hands. He pointed the gun at me and with a sleazy smile, he pressed the trigger. An excruciating pain made me fall out of bed.

"No!" I sobbed quietly into my hands. My entire body was covered in cold sweat and I could barely breathe.

"Samantha!" Dorian stormed into my room followed by mortified Ian. Both of them helped me up to bed and watched as I slowly regained my consciousness from the nightmare.

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