chapter 5

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Alvin slept as the sun was slowly coming up and he looked agitated as he couldn't sleep. "Theodore, you're snoring again..." he mumbled, glaring at his brother's bed as the noise kept going. "Theodore, cut it out!" He had enough, then decided to do something about it as Theodore slept peacefully now. He saw that Atticus was sleeping with Theodore and the blanket seemed bigger.

Alvin removed the blanket and his face paled slightly. He went straight to find help, forcing Simon awake much to his annoyance. The two brothers went over and Simon looked even more horrified than Alvin did when he saw Frankenstein with Theodore and Atticus.

"How...?" Simon asked.

"I don't know, but we gotta save Atticus and Theodore." Alvin said, determined as he grabbed his baseball bat, wanting to knock the monster out with it, but when he did, Theodore, Atticus, and Frankenstein were about to wake up, so he placed the bat in Simon's hand.

"Alvin, why do you have that baseball bat?" Atticus said.

"Wait, don't hurt him, he's a good guy!" Theodore defended the monster quickly.

"Well of course he is," Alvin chuckled. "We just wanted to see if you guys wanted to play baseball..."

"Well, maybe after breakfast..." Theodore said like it was normal.

"Are you boys awake?" Patrick's voice was heard behind the Chipmunk bedroom door before it quickly shut. 

"Hey!" Dave thought that seemed rude. "I'm gonna try to get you that big premiere again, Atticus, your sister told me she had to meet someone uptown, your parents will be with me, and neither of you go anywhere!"

"Aunt Beatrice will be here any minute with Cherry!" Emily added, still calling the old woman aunt, even after being an adult herself.

"Okay, we'll just be here, keeping ourselves busy." Atticus said.

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore looked out the window as Dave went to his car with Patrick and Emily, then drove off for the day.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast." Theodore suggested.

"Yeah, besides it is the most important meal of the day." Atticus said.

All five of them then went downstairs so then Atticus and the Chipmunks could get breakfast started. Alvin wore an apron and a chef's hat, deciding to be the one to cook after they got dressed as he put all dozen eggs in the bowl to mix them up. Simon wasn't sure what to think of having Frankenstein over yet as a friend, but was wiling to give him a chance for Theodore's sake. Frankenstein was exploring the house, mostly looking at Dave's priceless glass figurines collection, he had broke one, but he tried to make it look like he didn't touch it as he actually looked worried about getting in trouble.

"Well, this day sure is surprising." Atticus said.

"I don't get it though... If he's such a lovable lug, why was he trying to kill us?" Alvin asked as he mixed the eggs.

"Well, it is possible that maybe he was only acting that way, because of how that mad scientist treated him." Atticus said.

"Hello? Boys!?" Ms. Miller's voice was heard then.

"Oh, no." Atticus said.

Cherry came in, trembling a little as her face looked ghostly white.

"MS. MILLER!" The Chipmunks cried, Alvin accidentally splattering the eggs on Simon's head.

"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad!" Atticus began to panic.

"You okay?" Simon noticed how deathly pale Cherry seemed.

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