Chapter 3

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I wake up from yesterday's exhausting day. Good morning world and please today don't be a downer. I hope that I can help that creepy guy. He's giving me a lot of money! But I don't know if I can do it alone. Maybe I should just not do it? I haven't exactly accepted the job. Yeah. I'm not going to. Maybe all of us can go to the beach? I don't know. I'll try to convince Aurora and Emmie to come with me. Well, That's even if we are all friends. I'm not sure.

"Hey Eli!", said Lux.

"Um yea. What's up?", I say quietly

"Just wanted to see if you want to come with Miliana and I to the beach!", she said as she grabbed my hand and started to walk away.

I pull my hand away and say,"Sorry Lux but I kind of wanted to go take another job."

"Did you finish your last one?", she asked eagerly.

"Not exactly. But that's besides the point. I'm going to try to take one by myself before I go on one with my friends."

"Oh. Well I will see you later then Eli. Bye! Good luck!", she yells as she walks off.

"Thank god. She left. I really don't want to deal with people. It makes everything more difficult.", I say to myself.

I keep walking and I eventually get to the train station. I ride until it reaches Clover Town. I get off and I find a hotel and a hot spring. I guess there isn't a hot spring here? Huh. What a surprise. "What is he doing here? Was he following me?", I think to myself.

So I walk up and see if he will notice me. I guess he didn't. Wow.

"Not so fast Eli!", Max says as he grabs my hand.

"What do you want Max?", I sneer.

"Nothing. Just want you to come hang with some of my friends from my guild!"

"Not in a million years. You guys are trouble. Not a chance Max.", I say as I start to walk off.

"I hate to do this. But you leave me no choice.", He says as he hits me on the head and makes me go black.

I keep dreaming that Mystogan is with me and we were on a date and everything like that and of course I go to hug him in my dream and-

"What? What the hell? My, hands? Huh? Where am I? Max you son of a bitch! What did you do?", I yell. I am in a black abandoned building and it has no windows and only two doors. Great.

I feel a burning sensation on the back of my calf where my guild mark is not. Oh thank god. I wonder what he did. Like I said. This day just keeps getting better.

"Oh good. You're awake. Did you sleep well?", Max sneers

"If you mean sleep then no. You made me sleep. So no, I didn't sleep well at all. And I will kill you you son of a bitc-"

"There isn't any need for that kind of language towards me Eli. Be nice and play well.", he says sarcastically.

"I still will kill you Max. You will pay for this. I swear.",I yell at him.

"Well how are you going to do that?", he asks

"Um. Just you wait. Just you wait you bastard. It will hit you so fast that you won't even know what hit you until you look up and see my guild bashing your face in!", I threaten him. That was such a petty threat. Wow. I am weak. I try to be strong but all I can do is cry. I hope Mystogan, Emmie, and Aurora will be here soon. I could really use their help. Please! Hurry guys!

"ICE MAKE LANCE!", Aurora yells as she takes out Max.

"Are you alright Eli?", Emmie asks.

"I'm fine. Just hurry. Look out 4 o'clock!", I say.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!", Emmie yells. Mystogan isn't here. Jeez. So much for a hero in shining armor. Man. I was really banking on him to show up.

"Eli! Can you hold on two more minuets?", Aurora yells to me.

"Yeah! I'm fine. Just don't be long. Please.", I yell back to her.

"Give me one more minuet! Hold on. Try to loosen up the rope!", Emmie yells to me.

"Alright! Keep going. And hurry up! Raven Tail members are almost here!", I yell to warn them.

"Mystogan! Where are you, you bastard! Guard the door! Don't let anyone in unless it is Fairy Tail or Sabertooth!", Aurora yells to him.

"Got it! Just get Eli out of here!", Mystogan yells back to Aurora. I feel like crying because this is all my fault. As soon as I saw Mystogan I smiles for the first time since I have been here. But I am not as strong as the others. I want to be strong. But all I have is my armor and-

"That's it! I can get out!", I yell to everyone.

"How? Your hands. You can't use requip because your hands-", Emmie pauses

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!", I yell as I free my hands. "Let's get outta here! Run! Mystogan! Cover us!", I yell as we all start to run. After we get out, All breathing heavily, I say, "Thanks for saving my ass back there guys. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Anything for a friend.", Emmie says. "Isn't that right Aurora?", She asks her.

"Um. yeah. Anything for a dumbass of a friend.", She says under her breath.

"Aurora! That's mean! And hey, what's that on the back of your calf?", Emmie asks.

"Huh? What?", I say as I look at the calf with a mark on it. It's the Raven Tail Guild Mark! "What! No! Why is that on my leg?", I yell as I am in shock.

"Looks like you aren't in Fairy Tail anymore!", Aurora laughs as she smirks.

"Leave her alone Aurora! Jeez. You are seriously an asshole. My god.", Emmie says. "Don't worry. I'm sure that we can find a way to cover it up or something."

"Cover it up? Hah! I bet you can't! It's so burned on your skin that you would either have to chop off your leg or scrape off the burn!", Aurora Laughs.

"Oh my god! Go the hell away and leave her alone! What is your deal?", Emmie asks.

"We had to save her ass and she couldn't save her own ass! You should have done what you did to get out earlier!", She yells at Emmie and I.

"I'm sorry! I don't use that magic much! I forget that I even have two different kinds of magic! It's not my fault! So buzz off.", I yell

"On that note. We should get back to the guild ladies. Come on.", Mystogan jumps in and suggests to us.

"Alright. Fine. Take me home.", I say as we all walk to the train station.

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