Chapter 9

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   After I lay down to go to sleep the window creaks open and I see a dark figure creep through the window. Before I can scream to wake Willow up he puts his hand over my mouth and says,"Don't you dare scream or I will kill you!", Max says whispering to me. Right after he finishes saying that I bite down on his hand so hard I taste blood. I get up stumbling around because I'm hammered. I open the door and fall down. I try to get to Willow's room door but I trip over the rug and hit my head on the coffee table. I get back up and walk to the front door but Max quickly grabs me and pins me down on the couch. Natsu and Emmie knock on the door and Max covers my mouth. I bite on his hand and scream. Natsu busted down the door and Emmie calls Rouge. Natsu rips Max off of me and throws him to the floor. "What are you doing here AGAIN you creep!?", Natsu yells at him. 

"That is none of your concern!", Max yells back. He gets up and Natsu and him start to fight. Emmie takes me and we leave the house. We stand outside the house and Natsu ends up pushing Max through the window and continue to fight in the streets. Rouge finally get here and runs up to me and hugs me making sure that I'm okay. "I knew I should have stayed with you. I'm so sorry honey.", He says squeezing the crap out of me. "I'm OK! Let go of me!", I say trying to speak while he hugs me. He lets go and stands back.  Willow walks up to the shattered window. "Eli? What's going on out here?", Willow asks me half-asleep. "It's nothing! Go back to bed! You'll be okay!", I shout back to her.

"Black Ice Make: Electric Chain!", Max yells aiming the spell at me. Sure enough, It hits me. The chain wraps around my arms and chest right underneath my breasts. This is a shitty day. He triggers it to send and electric shock up the chain. It lasts about thirty seconds to a minuet depending on how long he makes it last. I scream in pain and continue to scream because it hurts. I mean you have no idea. Being shocked on purpose? That hurts. 

"ELI! Let her go max!", Rouge yells with a furious voice.  "You better let her go or I swear I will end your life!", He yells even louder. 

"NO! SHE BELONGS TO RAVEN TAIL! GO THE HELL AWAY!", Max yells sending another shock up the chain. I scream more until I can't take it anymore. I continue to scream and holler and shout. Max pulls out this dust looking powder and slams it in the ground. Next thing I know, we are back at Raven Tail's Guild Hall. 

"Where the hell have you been Max?", His guild-mate asks him. "Oh, you know. Picking up some light work.", he says throwing me to the hard, cold ground. The chain is still around me but he cut it. Thank god. No more painful electric shock. 

"Take her to the chambers.", Max says to his guild-mate. "Okay. I guess. Master Ivan won't be pleased with this.", the other man says. 

"Just do it! I'll deal with the master.", Max yells pointing to the hallway leading to the chambers.

*Back at my apartment*

"I will end his life! I swear it!", Rouge yells slamming his fist into the wall. "Can;t you track them down with that famous nose of yours Natsu?", Rouge asks. 

"No. I've already tried. I can't find a hint of her or Max. I should have known he would have pulled something like this. Emmie? Why didn't you take him back to Fairy Tail and let Gramps deal with this?", He asks Emmie.

"He vanished into thin air! We were going to but he was gone when I turned around. It was creepy but now I know how he did it.", She says with guild in her voice. "It's all my fault. I should have stayed inside with her. Not bring her outside. She could be dead for all we know!", She says starting to cry. Natsu hugs her and Rouge heads towards the door. "Where are you going?", Natsu asks Rouge. "To get my girlfriend back!", Rouge yells and leaves the room.

*Back at Raven Tail's Chambers*

"You got some nerve leaving us like that.", Max says. "For that, I'm not going easy on you. You will suffer the consequences! I'm not holding back!", Max yells at me getting really close into my face. He puts my hands in magic restraint cuffs. I'm being held up by my wrists and the chains. This hurts but I can't even tell from the other pain I am feeling from earlier. "Please...Max...Don't do this... You don't have to...", I say weakly. 

"But I have to! You need to be punished! Taylor! Get in here! I need some assistance!", Max yells for his friend. 

"What's up? OH! What do you have here? A nice, pretty toy for me to play with? Aw, Max you shouldn't have.", Taylor says sweetly. "Let's have some fun girlie!", He shouts as flames bursts out of his hands. He shoots a ball of flames at my body and I catch on fire. Screaming, I try to escape and shake around to get my hands out of the cuffs. He turns off the flames and says to me softly,"I'm going to have fun with you... And there isn't a thing that your guild can do about it!", He says. 

"Oh yea? Look behind you...", I say very weakly. He turn around and screams in surprise that Rouge is standing there using his Dragon Force. "You had better let her go before I blow this Guild Hall to pieces!", Rouge shouts. Taylor lets me go and Rouge punched him unconscious. He saved me. "Let's get you to Wendy. She'll help you out. Thank god you are okay. Let's go.", Rouge says holding me softly yet tightly. We get back to Fairy Tail and Gramps sees that I'm badly injured and in pain and sends Laxus after his father, Ivan. The master of Raven Tail. Along with the Thunder Legion and Emmie. Wendy heals me and I become more conscious of what's going on. I can finally sit up and I look around. My foot, wrist, and a few ribs are broken but I'm alright. I can move and I'll be okay.  Rouge takes me home and turns out, the Guild fixed my house! Rouge lays me in my bed and says, "It's alright. No one is going to hurt you. Max is taken care of. You get some rest. I'm right here.", he says laying next to me guarding me so no one can hurt me.  

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