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Penelope watched in horror as the scene unfolded before her.  There in the imperial garden was Claude with this blonde-haired dancer in his arms. They were there enjoying their moment, as if she didn't exist.

Tears were beginning to appear in the corners of her pretty green eyes.  The emperor, her husband, the man she truly loved was in a very intimate position with this girl. He had not even been intimate with the women of the harem.


Claude and the blonde woman turned back to Penelope. He widened his eyes in surprise, not expecting to see his wife in his garden.

"Penny listen I-"

"So this is where you've been all this time? she's the reason you were coming home so late and leaving so early? "tears rolled down the empress's cheeks

"Penny please..." he stepped away from the dancer and approached his wife

"Don't come any closer! "she put her arms around his stomach protectively.

"I was looking for you because I had some news to tell you..." she looked down at her belly

Claude stared at her for a moment before he understood. Is she...?

"Penny you are..."

"Yes I'm five weeks pregnant..."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Penelope snapped

"I tried, Claude! For days I tried to tell you but every time you said you didn't have time, that you were too busy!" she stared coldly at Diana "...And now I know why."

"Penelope!" two voices shouted

The trio saw Felix and Anastacius approaching them quickly.

"We heard screams and wanted to make sure nothing bad had happened" Felix said

Both were surprised to see Diana in the emperor's imperial garden. It was the first time a concubine had ever set foot in the garden. Especially as it was a special place. It was the place where Claude and Penelope kissed for the first time. How could Claude take a mere concubine to such a sacred place?

Anastucius was angry, but he noticed how Penelope was shaking and holding her stomach. He went over to her and put an arm around her shoulders. He looked very worried about her and her baby.

"Penny, are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere? What about the baby? Felix! Call a doctor!"

"No Ana! I'm fine, no need to call a doctor"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't... worry... don't..." she said before fainting in Anastacius' arms

"Penny!" cried Claude and his brother at the same time

"Claude..." Diana moved towards him but he pushed her away.

She fell to the ground but he didn't care, his wife had fainted. He was worried sick about her and her child, their child. He told the palace guards to take Diana back to Ruby Palace. She was very surprised, Claude had never acted like that with her. So this woman was more important to the emperor than she was?

"Anastacius, we should take her back inside and get the doctor to check her and the baby" Felix said calmly

"yes you are right"

The Archduke carries Penelope in groom style and takes her to his palace, the Diamond Palace accompanied by Felix. But Claude stops him.

"Brother let me carry Penny I am her husband"

Anastacius looked coldly at his younger brother

"If you were really her husband, you would have taken care of her and she would never have fainted"

he left, leaving Claude stunned.


Penelope lay unconscious in her bed.

"Her Majesty the Empress and her baby are fine. She fainted due to stress or too much negative emotion. Your Highness, please see that this does not happen again" the doctor said to Anastacius

"yes of course" he replies

"in that case, please excuse me".

The doctor bows before leaving Penelope's room.

Felix and Claude were there too.  There was an uncomfortable silence before Claude broke it.

"So...did you two know about her pregnancy?" asked Claude.

"yes" anastacius replies

"That's why Anastacius and I kept asking you to leave this dancer..." Felix explains

"Your wife is pregnant and you, instead of being by her side to support her, spent all your time having fun with that whore," the blond archduke declared coldly.

"She's not-"

"Don't you dare defend a mere concubine in the empress's palace, Claudius" warned Anastacius

"Anastacius that's enough, we should all go away and let Penny rest" Felix intervenes

They left the empress's room.


It was night and Claude felt horribly guilty. He had made Penny, his Penny, his empress, suffer. He decided to go to his room with a gift in his hand to ask forgiveness from the woman he loved and had hurt.

He arrived at the door of his room.

"Penny? Are you awake? It's me Claude...I...wanted to make sure you were okay and I also wanted to apologize for what I did to you."

There was no answer.

"Penny please..."

Still no answer.

"my love...please..." he rested his head against the door

Still no answer.

Claude decided to come in anyway.

"Sorry Penny, but I really need to ta-" He stopped short when he saw the empty room.

"Penny where are you?"

He searched the room. His wife couldn't be anywhere else, the guards outside her room said they didn't see her come out.

Nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. Claude was really starting to panic.

"Penelope, if this is a joke it's not funny at all!"

"Come on Penny, come out of hiding! If you do that I promise you I will never see Diana again and I will kick her out of the harem!

"I'll even execute her with my own hands if you want me to!"

Silence. She was not there. His wife, his Penelope, was no longer there.

The Empress had indeed disappeared.

Claude fell to his knees and wept as he clutched her hair.

"Penny!!!" Claude screamed desperately hoping that maybe she would come back

That night the empress's palace was filled with the emperor's sobs. He spent the night crying, knowing that the last memory he had of her was her tear-stained face because of him.

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