1 Carnations

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Jeanette was in Alpheus Mansion's garden, admiring the beautiful flowers

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Jeanette was in Alpheus Mansion's garden, admiring the beautiful flowers. Especially carnations because it means motherly love. Her mother died giving birth to her so she didn't have the chance to know her. But her uncle Roger told her that she loved her with all her heart and she regretted that she couldn't stay with her.

And her father? He was the emperor. Roger didn't even need to tell her. She has the same eyes as him. But he told her that she will meet him only when she'll turns 14, on her debut. She started to think about her father and how he will react when he'll see her.

While she was lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice that a tall boy with long black hair is approaching her. He stood behind her and put his hands on her eyes.

"Huh ? what is it ?" She asks

"Guess who is?"

"Izekiel ?"


"Uncle Roger ?"


"Yona ?" (Jeanette's personal maid)

"humm..still no"

"Mmm...Sebastian ?" (The head butler of alpheus manor)


"Yes Mr Unknown ?" she says with a falsely innocent tone

"Are you kidding me ?"

Jeanette chuckles.

"hahaha ! Yes uncle Lucas !"

He removed his hands from her eyes and she smiled at him.She has Penelope's bright smile, the woman he sees as his own sister by blood.

He met her a few weeks after marrying Claude and becoming empress. Over time they developed a strong bond of friendship that turned into a brotherly bond. He was like her older brother, scolding her when she did something rash. He was always there for her. That meant witnessing her moments of happiness ....but also of pain. He remembered how his little Penny had suffered horribly, because of them.

"what are you doing here ?"

"Just admiring the carnations"

"Carnations ? It's mean motherly love isn't it ?"

"Yeah, that's why i love them"

Lucas looks at his niece a few moment. When he sees her with carnations, it brings back memory. He remembered that Penny didn't like be in her palace, she liked to be outside so she prefered spending time in her garden. And each time she wanted to go, he was with her because, well, it was his role as a big brother to look after his younger sister. And her garden-oh God- it was so beautifull....

"Jenny are you sure you want to meet them?"

"Yes after all they are my dad and sister, they are my family!" She said with a big smile before exploring other parts of the garden

"This is not your family and this girl is not your sister..." he whispered

Jeanette is an angel. An innocent girl who just wants to be with her family. Only they are not as perfect as she thinks. He has to protect his niece from bugs, he promised his sister.

 He has to protect his niece from bugs, he promised his sister

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"Penny.." Claude was looking at the portrait of his wife in his room.

A painting that he thought was beautiful in the past but now she just seemed to be laughing at him reminding him that he would never see the person pictured on it again.

"It's all my fault..." he sobbed

"Your majesty, is there anything you need?" Felix asked hoping to help his friend

"I need my empress..."

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