3 Reality

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Athanasia could not believe her eyes. There in front of her and her parents, in the center of the ballroom, was Duke Alpheus, accompanied by his son and at their side was...Jeanette...but she was wearing a different dress, a sublime one perhaps even more than her...

But what preoccupied her was especially what was about to happen. This had not happened in his former life, Roger never had the opportunity to introduce Jeanette as Claude's daughter. Simply because she was favored by her father, one would have to be crazy to introduce another girl at a time like this. And now her mother is there, the love of his life is at his side. So what could have made Roger think that Claude would accept Jeanette now? She was surprised, but she had no reason to worry.

"Glory and blessings to the sun of Obelia" Roger bowed.

"Is there anything you wish to say, Duke Alpheus?" the emperor asked coldly.

"Yes, your majesty" Roger took a few steps forward and motioned to Jeannette to come closer.

"This young lady beside me is Jeanette Ambrosia De alger Obelia, your daughter from our late empress Penelope De Alger Obelia !"

The murmurs of the nobles began to fill the room.

"The daughter of the former empress? The one who had disappeared?"

"She was pregnant?"

"It's true that she looks so much like her! She looks like her majesty when she was younger. "

Athanasia and Diana had a shocked look on their faces while Anastacius just gave his niece a small smile.

Claude's eyes widened slightly at the duke's announcement. Could it be that...? No, he didn't want to get his hopes up.

"Duke Alpheus, I hope you are well aware of what you are saying...if it is a lie you will pay with your life..." said Claude coldly.

"It is not a lie, your majesty!" shouted a sudden voice.

A tall figure emerged from the crowd, dressed in elegant clothes, his long black hair flowing down his back. He positioned himself next to Jeanette and put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her, trying to contain the look of contempt he wanted to throw at the emperor.

Lucas...? What was he doing here? Why by Jeanette's side? It wasn't like this before! Lucas never liked Jeanette, he never let her near him! What was going on? Athanasia was frozen in horror. But the next words of the magician froze her blood.

"I, Lucas, Ancestral Magician of the Black Tower, certify that she is your daughter!"


"Let go of me

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"Let go of me.."

Diana was hugging Claude's arm, preventing him from moving forward to see his daughter. Claude was furious but tried to stay calm. Who did this dancer think she was?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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