KNF: DK (4)

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As the brunette saw every step Karl took towards him, he tensed up and stepped backward stumbling.

"Are you now alright? Your headache gone?" Karl asked as he gently hold both sides of the brunette's head. His hands, was so nostalgic. 'Too close' George screamed in his mind as he awkwardly smiles to Karl and answered, "Yeah, uhm no more headaches", as he avoids the man's stares.

"Good! I went to the 24/7 convenience store to buy the medicines-" Karl said turning around as he approaches the counter again. George couldn't even say 'thank you' as he felt something in his stomach, 'what's this light yet heavy feeling'. The british can't also believe that Karl went out and bought some medicine, even though he's not yet familiar at the british' street.

"-Oh uh, Nick went to fetch Tina, let's have a seat yeah? while we wait for Tina and Sapnap to get back from being lost" Karl said chuckling after.

The brunette took a second to come back to reality as he never realized that he was actually staring at Karl. "Oh, Yeah- It's just us then" George said half whispering, later blushed out of embarrassment after his head digested what he blurted out. 'Why on earth would you say that George, oh my fucking god'.

Karl stared at him, "I d-didn't mean anything" the brunette stuttered in the process sounding defensive, Karl sits to the wooden chair near the counter, "so you remembered?" Karl tilts his head, frowns in confusion. 'Is he that serious about it?'

"what? I don't know what you're talking about" The brunette quickly went to sit down, facing the porridge Karl prepared, but then Karl held the brunette's chin, grasping it lightly towards him, he didn't say anything, a minute passed, he just stared at George's dark brown eyes subtly glancing at his lip. Karl smirked, "I'm just kidding, eat".

George blinks as he watches Karl eat his porridge acting like he didn't do anything weird, 'This man has no filter'. He went for his spoon staring at the porridge and slowly remembered that he was actually starving that's why he went out, so he gripped his spoon and ate his heart out of its content. 'Better not put my mind into all of this'.


Karl stole subtle glances at the eating brunette. The reason why Karl smirked is that George's lips was slightly swollen. Karl thought to himself, 'How many minutes did we make out again? It was probably no less that 5 minutes'. But because George's lips was quite sensitive from all those biting, that it turned out swollen, thankfully it wasn't quite noticeable, only when you actually stare down at the british' lips.

He glance to the brunette once again, 'Calm down Karl, he's eating, and probably does not remember anything'. Karl gulped as he takes another spoonful of porridge, only for him to grab a glass of water to drink.

Both the brunette and the hazel-brown haired man heard a knock from the door. "It must be them, hang on I'll get the door" George said as he stands up not realising that his other foot wasn't on the ground still. Karl immediately extends his arms to catch the brunette.

"Fuck", both of them unfortunately fell from the ground, only for Karl getting more of the impact from the fall.

"Karl! Are you okay?" George's worried voice echoed inside Karl's head, "Y-yeah I'm alright". George was on top of Karl. George helped Karl sit from the ground. "Sorry I don't know why I'm so clumsy today, ugh what's wrong with me" George frantically said to himself.

Karl immediately interrupts the brunette, "No, no, there's nothing wrong with you George, it's just that- shit happens sometimes okay? look I'm okay now" Karl hushed him as he stands up. Helping the frustrated british up too. George only nods as a response as he went from the door.

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