xxxxii | dressed to kill

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**warning: mature content (wink wink) ahead**


"GOOD MORNING, VENUS," Jace's voice rumbled through my body. "I know you're awake. You're shit at lying."

I mentally rolled my eyes, not wanting to untangle myself from him. My head was resting against his bare chest, pillowed by his obnoxious pecs. My leg was thrown across his body, giving him no option to escape.

I've become attached to cuddling with him. I knew I would, which was the whole point of having the amendment.

One of his hands came down to rub my bare thigh as his other arm was draped across my shoulder.

Who in their right mind would want to get up from this?

"No," I mumbled, my cheek squished against his skin.

"I will launch you, woman," he replied, trying to shrug me off. "It's getting late."

I pinched his bicep, getting an effective yelp out of him. "Who do you think will win in a fight? You or Vivi?"

The question has been on my mind since Effie and I discussed it. Now was as good a time as any to ask. If Jace was fazed by my sudden subject change or the ridiculous question, he didn't act like it.

"Depends on what kind of fight it is," he replied. "If it's purely physical, I might have the upper hand. Weapons or a mental fight... that's all her. Wait... why am I fighting her?"

"No reason."

"You're insane, you know that?" He finally used the upper body strength he had to lift me up and have me straddling his chest.

"As if you'd prefer me any other way," I laughed. "I need to stop by my old apartment today," I announced, stroking my hands up and down his chest.

"Why?" he asked, copying the same motions on my thigh.

The sensations of it all made it hard for me to concentrate on giving a sensible answer. Involuntarily, my hips started moving against him, taking every ounce of strength within me to suppress a moan. "Clothes," I breathed out.

His hands trailed to my inner thigh, lightly grazing over my core. "Did you forget what I said in Brazil?" He took my silence as a window for him to continue. "You look better without them."

Jace swallowed the moan I let out when I felt his dick twitch under me. The kiss was rushed, hurried, desperate.

Everything I was feeling and more.

Jace resisted when I tried pulling back, causing me to grab him by his hair. I didn't think it was possible for him to be more aroused, but he was. "Do you want to shower with me?"

He groaned, dropping his head. In mere seconds, he was up, wrapping my legs around him and rushing to the bathroom.


A couple hours later, we finally pulled up to the apartment.

Sadly, Vivi wasn't home, and she wouldn't tell me who she was out with. Understandably, I was upset at first, but I decided that she'd tell me when she was comfortable with it. Until then, no matter how hard it was, I'd be patient.

God, it was impossible.

"Why do you need to come here for clothes?" Jace asked as I pulled him into the apartment.

I rolled my eyes at his tone. "When I was moving my stuff over, I left a lot of clothes behind. There's a lot of stuff I haven't worn yet, so I'm back for my little babies."

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