The Philosopher's Stone

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Y/N wandered along the swaying train carriage, trying his best to glance subtly into each carriage room without coming across as overly judgmental. He'd already wasted a bit too much time thinking hard about where exactly he would sit, his overprepared and intellectual side kicking in to cover every scenario. And now they were actually more than halfway through the journey, and he'd chatted with a few people, hanging around a little awkwardly in the doorway, then moving on. He could have sworn he'd something green, brown, and slimy hopping along the carpeted ground of the Hogwart's Express. The magic didn't shock him, or the presence of what he surmised was an escaped toad, but it really was something else. To be on the way to the real Hogwarts, with his own wand, ready to meet all the other first-years properly and even get sorted into a house.

There was a blockage up ahead. A girl with a thick mane of brown hair was leaning into the open doorway to one of the carriage rooms, almost hanging off the door frame as she rocked backwards and forwards, enthusiastically talking to the occupants. Her voice was thoughtful and a little smug, making Y/N smile. It seemed worthwhile to go and see exactly what she was saying.

As soon as he came close enough that he could have reached out and touched her shoulder - she was already wearing robes, so maybe she was going to end up in Ravenclaw with that studious attitude - the conversation seemed to end. He pulled a face, glancing at the two shell shocked guys sitting within the carriage, and instead opted to trail her awkwardly up the corridor.

"Hey," Y/N said, running his fingers through his h/c hair. "Um...are you looking for something?"

The girl spun around, raising her eyebrows. "Yes, actually," she said primly. "A toad."

"Oh! I've definitely seen a toad - or a moldy chocolate frog - you're going in the right direction, I think..."

"Excellent," she beamed. "I'm sure it didn't mean to run away from its owner."

Y/N raised his hands, trying out different methods of toad-grabbing under her skeptical gaze. "I dunno," he said. "My mum used to do a summoning charm, but that seems kind of advanced right now."

She evaluated him carefully with bright and intelligent eyes. "What's your name?"

"Y/N L/N," he said, wiping his hand on the leg of his jeans, not sure whether he was meant to offer it for her to shake or high-five her or whatever. This was the first time he'd been to a formal school, so he didn't want to come across as an idiot. From her confident and unselfconscious demeanor, he suspected she might have even been to a Muggle school. That was pretty cool.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," she said, straightening the front of her robes. "I'm Hermione Granger."


Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/N stood outside of the Potions dungeon, waiting for their first class with the infamous Professor Snape. Hermione looked anxious; she kept fiddling with her overfilled satchel, gnawing her lower lip with her teeth. The dungeon's green glow and slimy walls were admittedly a bit scary. Y/N eyed the Slytherins suspiciously. One of them, a rat like blond guy named Dragon or Draco or some other stereotypical evil Pureblood name, seemed to already have a problem with his three friends. Earlier, when the Malfoy kid had called out something unforgivable. Y/N had literally seen red, and Malfoy had only been saved from a very beginner hex by the passing presence of several professors in their flapping grand robes.

At that, Hermione had grabbed Y/N's arm and determinedly pushed it back down to his side, empathically mouthing "no!" And in the end, although he had to fight between the two options available, he couldn't help but do what she wanted. For some reason, Y/N wanted her to think he was on her side, but also respectful enough that he wouldn't be overprotective, but at the same time as all of that, set himself apart from the slightly insensitive antics of Harry and Ron. And when emotions got that complex, although he'd not really experienced it before, he was pretty sure he had a...crush?

Harry Potter Male Reader Insert - Hermione x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now