The Chamber of Secrets

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The summer passed surprisingly slowly. Y/N was used to spending it reading and maybe playing some Quidditch or hanging out with his childhood friends, but he didn't realise how much he'd missed the bustling atmosphere of Hogwarts and the warm dorm until he was back. There was only one issue. A blond, ugly, square-chin, superfluous issue. Yes, and that was Professor Lockhart. Y/N had never been the type to trust celebrities, not least incredibly good-looking ones who didn't seem to know what they were actually talking about. And what was worse was that all the girls in Hogwarts seemed to be obsessed with the guy. Even Hermione put her hand up even more enthusiastically than she did in other lessons. It didn't make him think any less of Hermione, but it sure of hell made him irritated with Lockhart, who was too busy posing to teach them properly.

Ugh, defense against the dark arts again. Y/N hated that lesson, purely because of the teacher. Stupid Professor Lockhart. He gave Hermione so much special attention, it looked as though he was flirting with her. Every time she and the Professor talked it made Y/N's insides burn with a secret jealousy that he couldn't convey to anybody, not even his closest friends. Ron and Harry, however, seemed to notice the slight change in Y/N's mood whenever Lockhart and Hermione talked; something they relentlessly teased him for.

"Aw, is somebody in love?" Harry would tease, batting his eyes flamboyantly and grinning like an idiot. Every time, Y/N would brush it off by laughing as well, and telling both of them that they were being ridiculous. Ron bought this, as he thought there was no way that Y/N would be in love with Hermione. But Y/N sensed that Harry wasn't so sure. When they were laughing, Y/N would see small flickers of suspicion glimmer through Harry's eyes. There and gone in an instant. But still there. It made Y/N a little wary, and he resolved to try and hide his blatant jealousy better when they were around.

He failed miserably though, as the very next lesson he enquired loudly about whether Lockhart had actually fought off twenty-seven vampires at once. Y/N almost got sent out of the class in disgrace, but Hermione hissed at him to sit down; her tone of voice made his stomach sink, his heart too. That was a tone of voice that Y/N hadn't heard from Hermione until today. It... hurt. It made everything hurt a little. After they got out of the room, Hermione blew up on him.

"What is with you today?" She said, "You've been acting like a child!"

"Well, I-" Y/N was upset, but decided to stand his ground, "I think he's a fraud. I think he's a knob. What kind of grown man gives that kind of attention to a young girl?" Y/N was lost in his anger.

"Y/N, I don't like him." It seemed Hermione understood, "Not like that. He's a good teacher, that's all. He's only a friend, I promise. Not an actual friend, not like you, or maybe Harry and Ron on a good day. He's just a friendly teacher," Hermione said soothingly, softly touching Y/N's arm for just one second; except that one second felt like forever, and drained Y/N of any anger he previously had.

Later that night, Y/N was with Hermione in the Gryffindor common room, both smiling and talking together. Valentine's day was fast approaching, and that was their topic of conversation.

"So, do you like anyone?" Y/N teased, poking Hermione in the arm.

"N-no!" He could tell that this caught her off guard, and he smirked.

"Aw come on, there must be somebody. All these cute guys," Y/N gestured around the common room. "What about... Neville Longbottom?" He grinned.

"No! Of course not!" Hermione laughed, looking into Y/N's eyes, "There's only one person I like, and it's definitely not Neville." Hermione tried to keep her voice lighthearted, yet she felt a tiny blush creep across her face. She really hoped Y/N didn't notice, and she looked away from him a little. But in hindsight, there was a tiny part of her that wanted nothing more than for Y/N to notice. She had been dropping hints for most of the year, and he hadn't even picked up on them. She smiled softly. Boys were so dumb, but he was dumb in the best way possible.

Harry Potter Male Reader Insert - Hermione x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now