The Order of the Phoenix

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When Harry had started Dumbledore's Army, Hermione had immediately made sure that Y/N knew about it. For Y/N it wasn't even a decision to join. He trusted Hermione's judgment and hated Umbridge as much as the next Gryffindor. Ever since Umbridge had taken up the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, everything at Hogwarts had gotten darker.

Y/N was seeing Hermione less than ever. Their relationship had remained the same since the Yule Ball. Y/N still found Hermione to be exactly what he wanted and was unsure about her affections for him. He knew she didn't really have time for grand gestures with Voldemort back, Harry in danger, and her being one of Umbridge's targets because of her intelligence. Still, he wanted her. Each time he caught her looking at him from the corner of his eye, he wished her gaze would linger a little bit longer. Like everyone, he wished the war would end. In his case though, there was a small interior motive: he wanted things to calm down so that he could be with Hermione for real.

She'd told him about Dumbledore's Army in a note, another one scrawled in one of his notebooks in her signature handwriting with the heart above her name. It was almost funny. One year she was writing little love notes and the next she was asking him to join her at war.

He cared about her so much that it didn't matter. Both had the same effect on him. He'd do anything to be with her.

When the DA began to meet in the Room of Requirement, she'd whispered it to him in the hustle and bustle at the end of a Divination class. Her voice in his ear sent chills down his spine and slightly unholy thoughts to his mind.

"Room of Requirement meeting tonight. Follow Seamus."

It wasn't the words that got to him but the feeling of her breath, hot against his cheek. He wanted more.

So he followed Seamus that night when the castle was asleep for the night. They slipped out from behind the Fat Lady and assured that their footsteps were quiet down the hall.

"Did Hermione tell you what we're learning tonight?" Seamus whispered once they were in a hallway away from the paintings.

"No, did she tell you?"

"She said something about Patronuses," Seamus continued. "I can't believe she even knows how to do that."

"Of course she does," Y/N whispered back. Brightest witch of her age. How could she not?

"I can see your boner through your robes." It was a joke, Y/N knew, but he still turned red at Seamus' comment. His crush on Hermione was obvious to everyone, especially after the events of the Ball last year and after Krum told the entire school about the proposal.

"Step off, Seamus." He really was just glad that comment hadn't been made in front of Hermione. He had no idea how she'd react. Of course, she probably knew he thought like that. He was a teenage boy. It was pretty much to be expected. But he didn't want to see her reaction and how it would inevitably lead him to realize she didn't really feel the same way about him.

They arrived before the room, and a Ravenclaw girl, someone Y/N didn't recognize, was waiting for them. With a quick flourish and without even a second thought, the space they were in had changed. Ron stood before them in his school robes, looking exactly as he had when Y/N had seen him in Umbridge's class earlier that day.

Harry Potter Male Reader Insert - Hermione x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now