The Prisoner of Azkaban

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Y/N was pretty nervous. He was going to ask Hermione out on a date for the first time. Of course, he was sweating bullets; Y/N was nervous as hell. He saw Hermione sitting across the courtyard and thought that there was no time like the present. With a deep breath, he strode up to her, trying to remain calm but failing miserably - by the time he got to her, Y/N was shaking like a leaf.

Hermione looked up and smiled warmly, "Hi Y/N!" She said, putting down the thick set book she had been reading, "What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost." A look of concern flickered through her face.

"H-hi Hermione," Y/N's voice quavered a little, "I was- I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to Hogsmeade together today?" He felt himself going brick red as Hermione smirked a little.

"Of course, I'd love to," she managed a smile, and Y/N could have sworn he saw her blush a little. They shared a moment of slightly awkward silence where neither person looked at the other, but Hermione quickly broke it.

"So... they're leaving now. Shouldn't we join them?" she said, standing up.

"Yes. Absolutely." Y/N was a little flustered but followed Hermione diligently as they wandered out of the castle and down the path to Hogsmeade.

Somewhere along the way, Y/N moved closer to Hermione, gently linking arms with her, "I just- it's cold, I figured you'd want some heat." Y/N beamed a little, his eyes glittering as they fixed on the most beautiful girl in the world.

They both walked arm in arm down the adorable little paths of Hogsmeade, deciding on where they should visit. Eventually, the Hog's Head caught Y/N's eye, "Hey, how about we go there? Usually it's for older students, but, you know, we can live a little..."

Hermione nodded, stifling a laugh and then a frown. "I suppose it doesn't count as breaking a rule, really. What do they sell here? A Butterbeer would be nice...obviously, nothing alcoholic..."

"Maybe once we come of age," Y/N joked.

She shrugged. "Who knows, I might stick to Butterbeer for life. Better for your brain."

Both fell into a comfortable silence, minds wandering to the fact that Y/N had implied that maybe, this wasn't the only date, and was instead the first of many, maybe for a few years to come...

They both entered, Y/N holding the door open for Hermione; this made her giggle. Her tinkling laugh sent shivers down his spine, and subconsciously made him smile. They found a small table tucked away in the corner and ordered two butterbeers. They spoke about everything from schoolwork to Hippogriffs and time flew by as though it was at double speed. Soon it was time to leave, and Y/N linked arms with Hermione once more. They walked out of the Hog's head in the gentle dusk light, lost in each other.

Y/N thought he should say something, "So, how about this... uh... weather?" He cursed himself internally. The weather? But to Y/N's surprise, Hermione laughed.

"The weather? Yeah, it's gorgeous. Almost as-" she faltered for just a second, "almost as gorgeous as you." Hermione said, so quietly it was almost inaudible. Then, suddenly, she leaned in and kissed Y/N on the cheek.

Oh. My. God. Y/N felt himself go the reddest he'd ever gone - it wouldn't be surprising if he resembled a tomato.

"Did you just-" Y/N said in disbelief.

"Yes, I did." Hermione cut him off, smiling at him. They walked up the path back to Hogwarts, where the gates were guarded by dementors due to Sirius Black's escape. A coldness filled Y/N as he tried not to look at them but one swooped down, presumably to check they were students. Everything went cold. Dark. Black. Screaming, Hermione was... screaming. She was in agony. She was dying. Y/N cried out, trying to save her. He fell. The only thought going through his mind was, save Hermione, protect Hermione, that he had to do something fast, or she'd get hurt and it would all be his fault if he didn't do something that very moment. After a moment that felt like forever of constant screaming and agony and coldness, Y/N saw brightness again. Oh Christ. Hermione was kneeling over him, looking as though she was about to faint from nerves.

"Oh god- I'm- so sorry. It's the dementors. They make me go all stupid- I'm sorry." Y/N mumbled, his knees buckling as he got to his feet. He grasped Hermione's arm for stability as he swayed on his feet.

"Y/N, you need to eat something," Hermione sounded panicked and her face was very white, "let me get you some chocolate. Lupin says that works." She started walking up to the castle with Y/N holding her arm. They got to the steps, and luckily enough Lupin was close by, welcoming the students back to the castle.

"Professor! Hi- sir- do you have any chocolate on you? Only just Y/N had a moment with the dementors - he looks like he needs some." Hermione looked up at Y/N, smiling a little reassuringly as he scuffed his feet and looked at the floor, feeling a little too old and independent to be asking teachers for help like this, despite only being a second year still.

"Yes, in fact I think I do..." Lupin said, checking his robe pockets and pulling out a bar of chocolate, "Yup, lucky for you," he unwrapped it and snapped off a chunk, passing it to Y/N, "Your friend is right. This will help you." He smiled warmly at Y/N as he ate with gusto.

"Thanks professor," He beamed as warmth filled his body once more, "And thank you," Y/N looked down at Hermione, "If it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be down there looking like an ass."

Hermione chuckled, "No problem. I'm glad I was there to help." Y/N thought he saw the tiniest hint of a blush creep across her face. They walked away from Lupin and towards the stairs together. As they walked up the stairs, Y/N's foot slipped through a trick step and he yelped, which made both Y/N and Hermione laugh. It took some time, but they both managed to find the Gryffindor common room amongst the moving stairs and trick doors. The fat lady promptly let them in, and they found a cozy armchair that was big enough for the two of them to sit in. Hermione got out a book that might have been thicker than her head and began to read as Y/N enjoyed the closeness of her against him. Eventually, she laid her head on Y/N's shoulder and her eyelids seemed to become heavier. Her book slipped from her hands, and her breathing became more drawn out and deep. She'd fallen asleep. Y/N smiled. This was the best day ever, even if Hermione had to save him from the Dementors.

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