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Toni's POV

The night was cold but in a good way and I like it I went to sweet water river to just relax I sit on a rock and just look up at the stars thinking about tonight I mean tonight was good and Cheryl oh god she's awesome,come on Toni stop been a creep I face palm myself smiling like an idiot but then it hit me I came in her and she may get pregnant in the next few weeks *fuck* my parents are gonna kill me if they hear about this why you ask well it's one of the rules which I didn't list but now you know

While I was sitting thinking of a plan I heard footsteps but calm ones I stood up on the rock and looked around I can see good in the dark so as I was looking around I saw this girl looking scared walking around in the dark forest I smile to myself and slowly walk towards her,as I stood in front of her she collide in making her fall to the ground she looked up and she completely passed *crap* I say to myself she looked like 13 I thought I might get lucky tonight but no my victim have to be a fucking kid,I was thinking about leaving her here or maybe kill her but I'm just gonna take her to the castle I don't really care what my parent would do to her

I pick her up bride style and ran to the castle I reached within minutes and went in and gave her to the guards and went to my room to take a shower it's 2am in the morning as I entered my I saw the bed was empty I was angry she left the room without my permission I'll have to punish her later I took off my royal vest and my shoes as I was about to go in the bathroom I heard a small noise from my favourite room *no she can't be snooping* I thought I went towards the noise and open a red door that I forgot to locked as I entered I saw her in one of my shirt it looked good on her frl I quietly closed the door and leaned on it with my hands  and legs crossed staring at her I should bend her over and take her right now *stay the fuck down* I'm starting to get hard come on Toni get your shit together

No one's POV

Toni:what are you doing here?


Toni:not gonna answer me?

Cheryl:um I'm sorry I didn't-

Toni:you didn't what?

Cheryl:*I gotta get out of here*

Toni walked towards Cheryl making her fall on a red bed Toni climbed on top of Cheryl cuffing both her hands to the bed Toni started to touched Cheryl on her leg going up to her private

Cheryl:*not again*


Cheryl:it hurts

Toni just stared at her thinking of something to do to her Cheryl was looking at her with curiosity she then feel Toni finger entering her

Toni:*smirking*I'll be gentle

Well that's all folks✌

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