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This is what I'm talking about I can't believe she's my master the fuck why my master couldn't be other vamps I haven't met but it have to be her,I'm working my ass off in her luxurious bedroom cleaning it while she's sitting drinking whine or maybe blood

Cheryl:*for a vampire you should clean your own damn room*

Toni:I only clean my room when I feel like it

Cheryl:*the fuck can she read my mind*

Toni:be quiet pet

Cheryl:*roll eyes*I'm not saying anything

Toni:don't roll your eyes at me pet,or I'll give you something to make them roll to the back of your head


I'm done with her room and everything now I want to take a bath but where though, I want to ask her but I'm too scared of her answer but I really smell shit I guess I have ask her well here goes nothing

Cheryl:um...can I um...

Toni:what do you want pet?

Cheryl: I-i wanna as-....um

Toni:I don't have all night

Cheryl:I just wanted to ask um...if can t-ta...have a bath?


Toni stood there looking at Cheryl been all nervous and scared Cheryl was looking around the room not making eye contact with her,Toni then took her time walking around Cheryl making her shift weight on her feet because of nervousness

Toni:*smirking*well....I could let you take a bath but....

Cheryl:*nervous*but what?

Toni stood in front of Cheryl very close till her breath was hitting her face Cheryl took a couple step back until Toni took more steps to get to her

It goes like this until Cheryl fall on Toni's bed on her back before she could get up Toni jump on top of Cheryl pinning her hands above her head
making the red head stay still out of fear,Toni's eyes turned glowing red and her fangs came out

Cheryl was so afraid to do anything cause she might get punished or even killed if she try any kind of stunt,Toni let go of her hands keeping the other under her firm grip her free hand started to make it way towards her center,Cheryl was wearing a skirt she cursed herself for warring it when she got captured

Toni hand make its way to her skirt and lifted it up so she could see everything she saw that Cheryl underwear was wet she looked at the red head in the eyes smirking,shifting her underwear to the side she slide one of her finger inside of Cheryl making her whimper trying to get out of Toni grip

Cheryl:*crying*p-pl- pls stop i-it hur-hurt

Toni:*smirking*it's just one finger,if you can't take it how about my dick huh?

Toni said sliding her finger in and out of Cheryl making her squirm under her,she started to add another finger but Cheryl on the other hand didn't wanted any of this she gave her best shot to hit Toni between her leg aiming for her manhood again making Toni let go of her falling off the bed holding her crotch in pain

Toni:*hissing*shittttt......ugh fuck you bi-.....fuck it hurts

Cheryl got up off the bed watching Toni in pain holding her crotch,she didn't know what to do she can't go through the  door cause guards are outside and there's no escape

Cheryl:*that must be her weak spot if she say it hurts*

As she was thinking that Toni used her vampire speed to pin Cheryl against the wall holding her neck she sniffed her bearing her fangs she was about to sink her teeth in Cheryl's neck when her door open revealing her dad

King Thomas:oh I see your busy

Toni:what do you want dad?!

King Thomas: no shouting in my castle,I came here to ask why you didn't come to dinner

Toni looked at the clock that's hanging on the wall reading the clock it say 9:46pm,all vamps eat their dinner 8:30pm on the dot holding Cheryl with one hand not with a tight grip she turned to her dad

Toni:sorry I missed dinner I wasn't keeping track of time

King Thomas: you want me or the guards to bring your dinner to you?

Toni:no thanks I have my dinner right here

King Thomas: very well,then goodnight

Toni:goodnight dad

When her dad left she turned to look at Cheryl she was going to drink from her but she let her go


The guards came in after hearing her call for them they stood there waiting for further instructions

Toni:take her away,give her a room to stay in

Guard#1:sorry to ask your Majesty but why?

Toni:she's my pet now stop asking questions and do your fucking job

The two guards nodded and took Cheryl towards the door just when she's about to go she looked at Toni seeing her looking back at her,she quickly looked away letting the guards take her to her so called room

What will happen between these two,who knows?

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