ii. ice cream shop. ( tsukasa )

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i just had an idea of this, im completely winging it. i havent even planned this out lol

all characters are aged up to 18-19 , this is in a college setting!
and no, they are NOT aged up for nsfw content.

text in italic r ur thoughts!!

this is mainly for fem readers, but u can switch it up if u like!

this is mainly for fem readers, but u can switch it up if u like!———————

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you were just chilling in your room, completely at peace. until your phone rang.


god, what does he want now?
you decided to pick up the phone, and you wished you hadn't.

“y/n! i heard that you were looking for a job to earn a bit of money, right?”

“ err, yeah, why? ”

“ i found the perfect place! an ice cream shop, and they're hiring. ”

“ hmm.. that does sound decent. ”

“ so, what'll it be? I could drive you over there. ”

“ sure. i'll get ready, you can pick me up in 10 minutes. ”

you hung up the phone and started getting ready, you first brushed your teeth and then changed your clothes. (you can imagine literally anything)

i waited outside my door to see rui's car pull up and i open the door and buckle my seatbelt up.


“ saki, i'm heading out to the mall! ” i yelled out to my younger sister who is currently texting with her friends. “ yeah yeah! and also, could you get me some strawberry ice cream big bro? thanks!! ” i kept that in mind and left the house.

i took an uber to the mall and i started browsing through the shops.

— YOUR POV ! #

rui and i arrived at the ice cream shop called “ frozen delights ” . we both walked in and spoke to the manager, he brought us to his office and started the interview.

it went surprisingly well! my shift started now, 2pm til closing time, 9pm. rui left right after i got the job but slid me a note..? i payed no mind to it. “i'll read it later..” , then i got into my uniform and started serving the customers.

“hello! welcome to frozen delights, how may i help you?” you greeted the customer. “ooo!! i want the strawberry ice cream with rainbow sprinkles!” the pink haired girl with a bob cut requested and you gave her the order.

“oou, hey, you're y/n, right ? ” she looked at your nametag and you nodded. “you're that friend of tsukasa!!! he talks about you aallll the time!! hello, i am emu ootori! emu is meaning smile!!!!”

tsukasa what ?! he talks about me?! HUH?!#(_+_+:!_+_( DKHDFJSKFH HE TALKS ABOUT ME TO HIS FRIENDS!!!!

“ill get going now, bye bye y/n !!!! ” she waved and you waved back. you served snothrr customer after customer after customer.


one customer til this line is finished.. whew. “hello, welcome to frozen delights how may i help y— TSUKASA?!”

“Y/N?!??? YOU WORK HERE?!!!?”

“shhh!! wait- keep it down! come on just give me your order!”

“uuhhh!! okay- 1 medium tub of strawberry ice cream, no toppings, and one mint chocolate cone.”

“ got it, give me a few minutes. ”

i then handed him the tub of ice cream and the cone. i slid a little note to his hand saying..

meet me over there at the park nearby in 2 hours, 7pm.
love, y/n. xo <3


i stood outside at the park under a tree, waiting for tsukasa. then a strawberry blonde came running to me..

“y/n! i'm here! sorry if im late, a future star like me is very busy!”

“ no no, you're just on time! its fine. ”

“ oh thank goodness! I wouldn't want you, my darling damsel to think my work is worth more to be payed attention to!”

“ eh?! darling damsel?! where'd that come from?! ”

we both talked for a while and then i spoke up. “so tsukasa, the reason i called you here was erm..”

“hmmm?” he tilted his head. “ you've been with me ever since childhood, and i never wanna lose that relationship with you. ”

tsukasa n,odded. “ erm.. what i"m trying to say is.. ” you sighed.

“ i like you tsukasa. not in a friend way, a romantic way. i-its fine if you don't like me back! i'll be happy to be just frie—”

you felt a pair of lips on yours. tsukasa was.. kissing you.


“ Y/N!! i feel the same. i like you too!! and of course, liking me back is inevitable because i am a world future star! ” he held your hands as he boasted.

“ yeah yeah mr ego man. so does this mean we're like.. together now-?”

“ i guess you can say that !! ”

you sighed, the sudden confession went surprisingly well. what made you confess so suddenly? the note rui gave you before you started your shift. it said..

“ hey y/n, i just wanted to let you know that tsukasa likes you too!! he talks about you aallll the time. so maybe this may motivate you to do something about it! ”

love, rui kamishiro (best wingman)

( a/n : yes, he wrote best wingman in the parentheses too. )


this one was kinda long, sorry i havent updated this in a week , classes are starting to give me more n more assignments 😭😭 kay anyways

this might be shit cuz i didnt plan this whole thing out elemayo

COMPLETED 30/7/2022 5:49am

908 words.

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