Magical Hero Squad

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Ashley Sparks was standing outside his sister's room when he heard the window open, he figured she was sneaking back into the house, he had a suspicion she had been doing that for a while. The two shared a wall and he heard her window open and close all the time. Ash wanted to catch his sister in the act of sneaking in, he didn't have a plan on tattling on her but it was always useful to know a few of her secrets. He quickly opened his sister's door and he stood there astonished at what he saw, it was 'Phoenix, Lady of the Flame', she is one of the heroes of the Magical Hero Squad. "Phoenix?" He whispered softly, eyes wide.

Phoenix stood there surprised she had been noticed. She was wearing her signature battle outfit, a body suit that was red and black that made it look like her legs were on fire, she even had a red and black cape behind her, flowing fiery red hair that seemed to slightly glow in the dark bedroom. "Ashley!" She exclaimed.

"You know who I am?" Ash said softly, he had been a fan of the Magical Hero Squad for years and had been collecting posters, action figures and trading cards.

"I'm out of time! You need to go-" She was interrupted as her outfit began to glow. Ash watched as fire seemed to erupt from her clothes and reformed them, she was completely glowing in a beautiful red and yellow hue, it was so bright he had to avert his eyes slightly. After the light died down and Ash's eyes adjusted to the moonlit room of his sister's bedroom he saw his very frustrated and annoyed looking sister.

Ash stared at her and he started to get excited. "You're Phoenix! Cole, you're Phoenix!" he said twice, his voice getting higher with anticipation the second time.

"Calm down Ashley, uh Ash." She said correcting her name choice to not antagonise him, he hated people calling him Ashley. She may not have needed to as she could only describe his attitude as giddy.

"I can't believe it. You're like the coolest person in the Magical Hero Squad." Ash praised his sister, trying to keep his voice down while also being really excited.

Cole was flattered by her little brother's compliment, she knew he was a fan, in fact she was the one who kept bringing him merchandise from the squad. "Thanks Ash, but you need to keep it a secret, you can't tell anyone."

"I can keep your secret!" He immediately promised to his sister. "How are you Phoenix though?"

"It's a long story." She hesitated. "I met one of the other heroes and we became friends, like with me as Cole and her as someone else." She said trying to not reveal her friend's identity. She noticed he was hanging on to every word. "You're really interested aren't you?"

Ash was still in shock of it all, he wanted to know everything. "It all makes sense now." He said, his voice now calmer. "Every time you had to leave and all those excuses you made." He smiled after remembering something. "You even had me cover for you a couple times, was I helping out Phoenix then?"

Cole stood surprised that his brother remembered all these things. "Yeah, that's right." She agreed with him. "I have been Phoenix, Lady of the Flame for about two years now.". Ash was smiling and clearly full of hundreds of questions. "Okay Ashley, it's late, just ask me your top questions."

Ash brushed right passed being called his full name. "How do you transform into Phoenix?" He asked.

Cole smiled and showed him her earrings, he knew she had earrings in the shape of flames. "I just activate my magic and transform into the hero you just saw. One more question, then I need to sleep."

"Do you think I could do magic?" He asked quickly.

"I'm not sure." Cole said. "All the others are girls, I don't think boys can do magic." She said, pondering the question.

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