Chapter Two - The Fog

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I must be dreaming.

That was the first thought that arrived to my head as I slowly began to comprehend the situation that I was in. Those familiar characters around that familiar campfire... One of the people around the campfire, who I recognized as Claudette Morel, perked her head up. She greeted me with a smile as she got up and walked over.

"Hey, you must be new. I haven't seen a new Survivor for a while, so you're a pleasant surprise. Can't say that being transported here is a very pleasant experience though. I'm Claudette."

I was astonished. I really didn't know what to say. The characters from my favorite game were speaking to me. To my face. This wasn't a dream. No way.

"I'm, uh... Y/N." I took a quick second to catch my breath before speaking again. "Did the fog take me into-"

I hesitated to say 'game' as I wasn't sure if these survivors knew that they were in a game. It would probably be pretty distressing to understand that they were just pawns in a video game. I finished my thought with an uneasy tone,

"Well, here?"

Our conversation was stopped by another voice calling out to us from the campfire. Claudette turned to the fire for a moment before turning back to me and speaking.

"We should probably head over there,"

She began to walk over, and I followed at a mild pace. When we made it over there, another Survivor named Dwight Fairfield looked at me and waved awkwardly.

"Uh, hi. I'm Dwight. You're a new Survivor, right?"

"I guess...? I don't really know what's going on." 

I shrugged uneasily, understanding that this could potentially mean that I was in danger. The third and final survivor whom I didn't notice at first, Feng Min, rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"The Trial's going to start soon. Conversation time is over. Let the newbie get killed off or something,"

That's one Survivor I already don't like... and I thought Feng mains were bad. I held back my tongue and scoffed.

"Don't listen to her, she's only concerned about her own survival." Claudette reassured me, patting me on the shoulder.

"What a great team player," I muttered sarcastically.

Out of nowhere, the surrounding fog began to close in rapidly. Claudette looked at me and gave a weak smile.

"Good luck, Y/N."

Dwight spoke as well.

"I'll keep a look out for you."

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


The next time my eyes opened, I was in a very familiar place. Coldwind Farm. Specifically, the Rotten Fields. Immediately, the term Corn-blindness came to mind, and I almost chuckled, before I realized that I wasn't in a position to be laughing. Immediately, I started to walk around. After a few seconds of confusion of where I was, I ran into a broken generator that was being repaired by Claudette. When she saw me, she stopped working on it and beckoned me over. I rushed over, eager to stick with Claudette.

"You came recently, so you might not have much experience with the generators. I'll let you know what to do, so just follow what I say."

She began to explain how the generator works and how to repair it properly. I was slowly getting the hang of it, and I felt a bit more confident that things were going to be... okay? Well, as okay as they can get.

"What're you guys doin'?"

Out of nowhere, a gravelly voice spoke. Before I could even get a chance to react, Claudette screamed and was pulled off the gen. I fell onto my back, looking towards the person who just picked Claudette up. Oh god.

"RUN Y/N!" Claudette yelled at me as she struggled in the arms of the masked Killer. So I did.

I ran as far as my legs could take me in any direction that wasn't towards that lunatic. I finally stopped and hid myself within one of the randomly walled off areas. Leaning back against the wall, I caught my breath for a moment. Then I noticed that the silence was too loud. There wasn't even wind crossing the area. I looked around and scanned the surrounding area. There was movement within the cornfields.

A black cloak that stuck out within that sea of yellow. My heart dropped, but I steeled myself and got ready to book it as soon as the Killer revealed themself.

"Leaving the party so soon?" They said in a playful, yet murderous tone. And something in me sparked. I rose to my feet and ran from the Killer, feeling faster than I was before. Only one thing ran through my mind.

Can't catch me.

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