Ch. 4: What Have I Got Myself Into

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He felt the shift and immediately sunk to the ground, free of the weightlessness. He practically kissed the earth and thanked his lucky stars he was no longer dead.

     His little reunion with his physical body however, was cut short by an abrupt snore coming from his statue.

     "Shoot, forgot about him."

     The dragonling was still asleep (thank goodness) and so he decided to silently walk up next to him and sit down. He had fallen asleep so soon after they had left, if he had been caught he would of surely never seen the light of day again. He cautiously put his hand on the it's head and patted it like he used to with the stray dogs back on Earth. Grabbing the moss blanket from behind the statue, he put it around him.

"System, pull up skills."

He decided he would pass the time by checking out what else he could do.


[Would you like to see your new skills first]
[Yes or No]

"Yes please." He thought as he tapped the blue button. His hand was still on the dragonlings head, his other one was being used to scroll the large window.

[Primordial One (Passive)-You are the ancient God of The Void, the elements will bend to your will. You control the elements of fire, earth, water and air. You will not be attacked by any normally hostile creature as long as you haven't provoked it and isn't of the demon or dark spirit race. You know all languages and can see the stats, class, race and name of your believers no matter where you are. You will also hear your believers wishes and prayers and have the ability to grant them]

     "I only have one believer at the moment, but that doesn't sound right. System, can I change the description of my skills to better suit my taste."

[You wish to change the skill name or description]
[Yes or No]

     "Wait, I'm allowed to change the name of a skill?"

     The familiar sound of a window popping up drew his attention to his left, away from the dragonling.

[Of course Jonas Fletcher]

     "I'll take your word for it. Let me read these other skills first." He thought after tapping the yes button. He was having to do a lot more thinking ever since he got here and he didn't necessarily like it. He let his eyes wander over to the next one, not noticing the eyes that watched him.

[Immunity (Passive)-You are immune to all disabling effects. You can not be poisoned, burned, frozen, exhausted, charmed or persuaded. All skills that impair any of your 5 senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell) will be nullified]

     "Not too bad, at least I won't die by poisoned coffee or anything. Wait, does coffee count as poison? Do they even have coffee??"

[Gods Eye (Passive)]

     "Oh my god, how many passive skills do I need!?"

[You can see everything about a person by looking at them. Status windows will pop up around people and once you have met someone you can see their information no matter where they are. This skill is not affected by any skills that hide a persons identity or status]

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