fluff alphabet - headcannons

162 5 2


word count: 800+

summary: fluff ABCs w/ mj

warnings: none


Admiration - she loves when you get excited about something. Like when you are so passionate about the topic that you hands start moving and your words start to jumble together. She loves just to admire you while you express yourself.

Body - Mj loves you hands. For the fact that she can hold them, play with them. How smooth they are and gentle you can be with them.

Cuddling - It would take a while for her to get fully comfortable with the thought of cuddling. Physical touch hasn't really been on her spectrum for a while so she gets a little tense the first couple of times. Once she does get used to it, most of it will be happening when she's tired. Like a movie night or when either of you stay at the other's house. She likes having you rest your head on her chest and being the little spoon.

Dates - Most of them are simple. Like going out for coffee, the movies, picnics, visiting libraries, or something around that area.

Emotions - You have to coax MJ most of the time to express what she's dealing with internally. Just sit her down and say that it's okay to tell you what's going on. Tell her that you can help however you can.

Family - She hasn't really thought about a family. She would most likely just want to get a few cats and settle down in a nice apartment or maybe a house. If it came down to it and you really wanted a kid she would be willing to accept it. It's the least she could do for you.

Gifts - She often gifts little meaningful items. Like a book, maybe some flowers, a blanket, or a picture of the two of you. She doesn't go big and beyond very often. It would have to be a very special occasion.

Holding Hands - Like I said with A she likes your hands. Whenever the two of you are together in public or spotted anywhere else, most of the time your hands are linked.

Injury - If you got hurt she would be spitting questions at you a mile a minute. "What happened?" "Did someone do this?" ect. The whole time she's freaking out. You have to tell her to grab the first aid kit and that will be her signal to get her ass in gear to actually solve the issue.

Jokes - Her humor is mostly sarcasm but most of the time the jokes do get a reaction out of you. And she'll bite her lip to stop her smile at the small victory.

Kisses - The beginning of your relationships were mostly pecks. But as time went on and the two of you grew more comfortable, passion grew and the smooching time with it.

Memory - She loves all the quiet days she has with you. Just sitting in each other's presence. Reading a book or watching a movie either one she loves being able to just relax with her favorite person.

Nicknames - She sticks with your name most of the time. Or calling you your last name. Very few times has she called you anything else besides those or maybe an abbreviation of your name. She let the word 'baby' slip a few times when she was tired.

Oddity - sometimes she'll stare at you really intensely. Like she was trying to have a stare off with you. You later found out that she was admiring you and not trying to start a fight.

PDA - The best she'll do is hold hands. Maybe give you a sweatshirt, even allow you to kiss her cheek but that's it. On very rare occasions the two of you have shared a kiss in public.

Quality Time - Most of the time you are either at her or your houses. In each others rooms or some other place in the place.

Rhythm - you have convinced her to watch a bunch of Disney movies so any of the songs make the thought of you pop into her mind.

Secrets - She is pretty open with you. Hardly any secrets and if there are some they most likely have to do with a surprise or just aren't important. She's very blunt so there isn't a lot for her to keep inside

Time - it took seven months of pining for her to accidentally let it slip that she liked you. Thank god you liked her back otherwise she would've passed away.

Upset - MJ will be the first to admit that she sucks at comforting people. Mainly she'll just let you hug her and rant your heart out as she awkwardly pats your back. Only responding when you need it.

Vaunt - She doesn't show you off, but she will brag about how she gets bitches when Ned and Peter don't.

Warrior - She'll cheer you on in any fight. MJ knows your a reasonable person. If they deserved it you'll be the first to judge that.

X-Ray - She's good at reading people. She notices the little things. So if somethings up she'll know.

Yes - She would definitely propose in some kind of natury area. Like a cool spot in the woods, a cliff, or something like that.

Zen - she loves when she wakes up before you. From a nap or maybe a late night. She likes listening to your even breaths while she traces random shapes on your back.

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