just friends - oneshot

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word count: 1k

summary: you said before he was just a friend, but america can't help the jealousy that ran through her veins.

warnings: jealousy, thats really it.


America pushed around the food on her tray. Watching as the green beans turned into a mash mess. She looked up, watching the view of you and...him. As he tried to steal some of your mash potatoes while you swatted his hand away. Laughing, he tucked an arm around you to reach them.

She rolled her eyes, bringing them back down to focus on her own mash potatoes. She scooped them up with a spoon. Her face scrunched at the taste. She never got why you liked them so much. And she never understood why you liked Jeremy. Even his name was dumb. And it was a J one. That should give you a hint, right? No apparently not.

But apparently he was your 'number 1 bestie.' So she couldn't do anything about him. Not even about the fact that he was completely in love with you but you were too blind to see that.

Well at least you weren't bilnd enough to notice that she had liked you. America looked back up at you. Noticing the hand that was previously shooing Jeremy away was no longer occupied. She reached across the table to take it in hers. You glanced at her for a moment, a smile growing on your face. You turned back to Jeremy, rubbing your thumb across her knuckles.

The topic had been brought up before by her. How Jeremy was blatantly flirting with you in front of her all the time. You dismissed it saying that even if that was true. No way would you reciprocate. It took a lot of coaxing from you but you got America to believe you. Stating that if it continues to happen let her know and you would tell him to knock it off.

She was tempting to tell you it was continuing to happen. But sweet oblivious you just couldn't recognize it.

The lunch bell rang making the group of you rise and go dump your trays. America waited for you to be done, standing with her arms crossed as you chatted a few final sentences to Jeremy.

"I'll see you after school then, right? To work on the science project?" She overheard him ask. You nodded, agreeing to meet him out front. She furrowed her brows. What project? You didn't tell her about any project. And tonight you were working on it? You said that the two of you would be going out for ice cream after school.

"What happened to ice cream?" she asked in a murmur as you approached her. Jeremy going in his own direction to a different class. Your eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, crap. I'm sorry I completely forgot. Jeremy and I were assigned a project in science earlier and it's like thirty percent of our grade. I was just focused on getting it done as soon as possible so as to not turn it in late," you explained. She bit her lip, nodding her head.

America started walking down the hall. You furrowed your brows, jogging lightly to catch up. Slipping her hand yours, you bumped her shoulder lightly.

"What's up? You were quiet during lunch and you're being quiet now," you asked. She rolled her eyes briefly.

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your and Jeremy's conversation. You guys seemed pretty fixated on each other." You paused in your step before pulling America to the side so as to not get in the other students' way.

"Is that what this is about?" you questioned, "Are you really worried about Jeremy still?" She was silent, shuffling her feet anxiously. You sighed, tipping her chin up to look at you. "I told you nothing is going on between me and him. He's just a friend. I told you this." America scoffed.

"Better tell him that, cause I don't think he gets the memo with the amount of heart eyes he sends your way." You opened your mouth to respond but she cut you off. "I know you said he's just a friend, but the amount of times he's flirted with you when I'm right next to you. And the fact you guys are going to be at his house, alone. I'm not even upset about the ice cream. It's about what he's going to do when I'm not there," she explained, taking both of your hands in hers.

"He's not going to do anything," you reassured her. "And if he does its not like I'm going to give him what he wants. I get he can be a little touchy and his words aren't always the best choices but there's nothing behind it. Jeremy's a flirty guy, it's just what he does. I guess after so long I got used to it and just don't really notice it." You pulled her closer, resting your arms on her shoulders. "I'm sorry you feel this way, but America I swear you are the only one I'm into. No way am I gonna fall for Jeremy. I mean come on he has a J name, everyone knows that's a red flag." America broke into a fit of giggles.

"That's what I was thinking," she replied. The two of you stood in a nearly empty hall, laughing to each other as her hands fell to your waist. Once everything was called down she rested her forehead on yours. "You promise?" she asked in a mumbled. You nodded.

"You're the only one for me," you stated, moving to kiss her cheek. However the bell rang just as you went. A teacher stepped out of his classroom, scanning the hall his eyes landed on the two of you. Taking in the close proximity the two of you were at.

"Really? Making out in the hallways. I thought that was left in the 90s," he rolled his eyes, "Detention after school," he stated pointing at the two of you before going back to his room.

You turned back to America, the two of you once again falling into a fit of giggles.

"Well, looks like I'm not going to be going to Jeremy's after all," you laughed.

"Ice cream after detention?" America asked. You nodded.

"Only if we can convince Wong to sneak us out early. The shop closes at four."

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