cold toes - blurb

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word count: 600+

summary: since when were you such a blanket hog?

warnings: some light swearing, peter gets a boo-boo lmao, let me know if i missed any!!


He didn't get it. This isn't the first time the two of you shared a bed, or a blanket for that matter. Those past experiences being from when you stayed over for your monthly movie marathons with Ned. The worst thing to happen was the time you slept on the inside and had a tendency to go towards his warmth during the night, making Peter edge away, trying to give you space. He was inevitably pushed off the bed. Falling to the floor with a thud, a groan following.

He learned from that to take the safe route and stay as close to the wall as possible. Accepting he would wake up with your head on his chest. If he was being honest that was the best part of these sleepovers.

Getting back on topic, he has never woken up like this. Shivering from the lack of any type of cover. His eyes opened, taking a second to adjust to the light. Once they did, they revealed you, wrapped up in his blanket,

burrito style. Now he didn't want to disturb you, really he didn't... but his toes were cold. He hated cold toes. Trying to maneuver some area of the blanket around you. A simple sliver of warmth was all he asked for. Finally being able to get a little undone, he tucked himself next to you. The blanket covered half of his body, but that was okay. As long as the dogs were warm.

But you just wouldn't let him win this battle so easily. You turned away from him, taking the only blanket he had with you. Peter let out a sigh of frustration, deciding to just get himself a different cover. Carefully he tried to make his way over you, but of course you wouldn't make it that simple. You turned once more bumping into Peter's propped arm, causing it to buckle. And he fell,

nose coming in contact with the side of your head. Groaning he fell to his side of the bed once more, as you woke up with a jolt. Looking around for what the hell happened to wake you. You looked down, noticing how you swaddled yourself. Wiggling out of the enclosure you turned your attention to Peter. Who still held his nose, grumbling about how stupid burritos were.

"You okay Pete?" you asked in a whisper.

"Oh yeah, I'm good. Nose is just a little smooshed. You have a hard head, my god," he whined. You furrowed your brows.

"What?" Peter waved a hand in dismissal. Taking his other hand away for his wound he wiped his nose, he peered up at you.

"Since when were you a blanket hog?" he questioned, moving to sit up. You turned to the object in question before looking at him sheepishly. Trying to find the words to explain yourself.

"When I was younger I used to roll myself up in blankets when I was sleeping. My parents didn't want it causing any issues so it died out over the years. But bad habits die hard I guess? It still happens sometimes. Sorry, I can just grab another one," you started getting up.

"No, it's okay," Peter dismissed your idea, "I'm sure that you've had enough blanket hogging for one night." You laughed lightly, settling yourself back into the sheets. Grabbing the blanket and passing it to Peter. He took it gratefully, pulling it over himself as you tucked yourself into his side. It would be fine he could handle a little bit of cold feet if it still meant being here with you. Well, that's what he thought...

Until he woke you with cold toes. Groaning internally he turned to see you once again wrapped up burrito style.

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