platonic!stark!reader x peter - headcannons

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word count: 600+

summary: your dad asked you to do a favor for him and you are more than happy you accepted cause you got a bestie out of it.

warning: none other than this is not proof read


Over the summer with school out Peter had moved into the Avengers tower.Your dad thought it would be a great idea for Pete to get more training in. And who better else to train him then (drum roll) you! *Trumpets play*Tony thought it was a good idea for Peter to have some superhero friend that wasn't almost double. But did Tony expect you and Peter to hit it off so well... he hoped you guys would get along but he wasn't expecting you guys to become 'besties' as you called it.The two of you became tied to the hip. Basically spending every second together. Breakfast, training, bugging Tony any chance that you guys got."But what about the BMW i8 can we take that from a spin?" "Y/n for the last time you are not touching my vehicles." "But Mr. Stark, how can we learn to drive if we don't have any vehicle to drive?" "My god, Peter you can't learn to drive if there isn't an adult there to teach you." "Sam offered to teach us." "Yeah, teach you how to crash."It became almost a daily thing seeing the three of you in the lab together. Tinkering on whatever on everything and anything.Or just sitting in each other's company. Tony looked over some diagram while you sat on a counter, sharing a bag of chips with Peter. Peter soon learned just how much Tony actually does spend in there. He only ever came out for some meals and when Pepper informed him of some sort of business meeting he had.Eventually you expressed to Peter how it's always been like that. In his lab working on whatever he can. Taking his mind off of everything that there is to worry about in the world. Not really being there for you constantly.He then made it his mission to coax Tony somehow out of there. He brought up the idea to you and of course you agreed.First it was offering his favorite breakfast. He was always a sucker for pancakes. And to your surprise it worked. You alerted Friday to tell Tony that you made some. The minutes ticked by you and Peter sat at the counter. Plates of pancakes laid out in front of you.Not even five minutes later your dad strolled through the kitchen, taking a seat and grabbing some syrup. You looked over to Peter subtly smiling to one another.Slowly but surely the two of you got him to spend more time away from the lab. Offering a movie night with the rest of the Avengers and going to some car shows.The more he was coaxed out the more he spent his own time outside of the lab. With Pepper as well as with you.Training with Peter was going smoothly as well. Even Natasha was brought to help him with hand to hand combat. Steve joined now and then, 'just seeing what the kids got,' is what he said. And then continuing to almost pumble the poor kid. Peter claimed it was fine cause in the end you beat his ass afterward.He also grew closer with some of the other Avengers. Wanda, you, and him had movies nights almost weekly.Sam and Bucky joined you to play Monopoly a couple times.Steve liked to listen to older music when it was a quite rainy day.You were grateful that Peter was here. You were happy to train him. Watching his grow was the reward in the end. As well as you got a best friend out of it too.And happy that he was here too for the fact that he got your dad to be with you more.

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