47: heard but not seen

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"She'll make it out, but she's never the same, she's lookin' down, at the scars that remain" - Paper Crown, Kevin Krust


Yelling woke Erin suddenly, her eyes shooting open as she sat up and looked around for the danger

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Yelling woke Erin suddenly, her eyes shooting open as she sat up and looked around for the danger. Finding only the interior of the tent looking back at her, she glanced down at herself and found blankets bundled beneath her - how the hell did she end up sleeping here?

She was about to try and retrace her steps, her mind still too groggy from sleep to remember the events prior to her unintentional snooze, when she heard Daryl's voice loud and clear just outside the tent.

"Will ya just leave it, Shane?"

He sounded exasperated. Even without seeing his face, Erin could tell Daryl was exhausted, and the more she heard, the more memories came flooding back.

Pain panged in her chest as her mind replayed the last few hours on fast forward - Daryl injured, the fight at dinner, the barn, Sophia...

The last she could recall, she'd been crying, leant against Daryl and clinging to his hand as though it was the only thing tethering her to sanity. It probably was. After that, there was nothing left to recall and she could only assume she'd fallen asleep like that.

She hadn't even dreamed, her mind too blank and emotionally pummelled to conjure images. It was a blessing in a way - the only images that would have come to her were the horrific sights of the child she'd failed to save...

"Fucking 'leave it'? The fuck is that supposed to mean? Huh?"

Shane was the other person yelling, barely surprising Erin as she sat still in the tent. She feared moving too much would draw attention to herself, though she got the feeling she was already partly responsible for Shane's current anger.

Footsteps followed, drawing nearer to the tent  and causing her to hold her breath as she anticipated Shane bursting in any second. Her fears weren't realised as she heard Daryl speak again.

"Ya done enough for one day."

Shane made a sound that seemed to be a scoff before his boots thudded away again. Erin guessed he'd stepped back, perhaps having been in Daryl's face previously. If Shane had been that close, she was surprised Daryl hadn't dealt a swift blow to his head. God knows he deserved it.

"I've done en-"

Another scoff.

"I've been the only one not talking absolutely bullshit this whole time. I've done what needed to be done. What should have been done as soon as we got here!"

"It don't matter if ya were right about the barn. It don't matter anymore."

Quiet. Erin couldn't tell if something was happening or if Shane was simply in shock from Daryl's response. She was more shocked at how much restraint Daryl was showing, leading her to assume they had an audience. If no one else was around, Shane would have already been floored.

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