22: inevitable death but, hey, at least there's back-up

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"If you're important, they'll make a way. If you're not, they'll make an excuse." - Unknown


As soon as the sun began to rise, the rest of the group was up and about, gathering more supplies as the light got better

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As soon as the sun began to rise, the rest of the group was up and about, gathering more supplies as the light got better. According to Merle, they were planning a meeting after they'd all eaten to discuss what to do about her and, more importantly, Sophia; a meeting that she was no doubt not invited to and, seemingly, neither was he.

"Get the feelin' ya might be the one person they trust less than me," he nodded in some form of approval, "Ya should be proud, that's pretty hard to do."

"Hatred isn't exactly something I seek out, though..." Erin sighed, watching the others convene inside the RV from a distance as the two of them leaned against the front of her truck. Daryl glanced over to them as he stepped inside as though making sure neither of them were going to disappear, "I don't know why your brother cares so much that I stay. Probably wants to nick my knives while I sleep or something..."

She saw Merle glance at her for a second before biting his tongue, something she hadn't seen him do and didn't think happened very often. "It's better to have him in there, though. Means at least someone can try and convince 'em not to sacrifice ya..."

"Do you think they will? Send me into the woods to find her?" She wasn't scared of the idea of it - the woodland was her second home - no, she was more worried about what they'd do if she came back without Sophia.

"Not alone. They'll send someone with ya to make sure ya don't make a run for it... y'know if ya was considerin' that..." he pointed out, crossing his ankles and shifting as his back was beginning to slip against the smooth metal on the truck, "If Daryl and Mister Sheriff can convince 'em, it'll probably be one'a them."

Erin nodded slowly, trying to work out which she'd prefer: Daryl would be the obvious choice due to his tracking and hunting skills but, as he wasn't really the friendly type, she was leaning more towards Rick's company. The Sheriff had shown good shooting skills during the herd attack and would probably be nicer company than the murderous brother of Merle.

"She's one of the best trackers we got!" They both looked over to the RV as Daryl's voice rose loud enough for them to hear, the anger in his tone audible even from their lengthy distance away, "Ya not doin' that!"

"Maybe runnin' last night woulda been a better plan..." Merle observed, raising an eyebrow as someone else seemed to counter his brother's words, their voice quieter but still as angry, "Whatever they're plannin', can't be too good..."

She opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by the door to the RV slamming back on its hinges as Daryl stormed out, heading in their direction. Behind him, Shane appeared in the doorway, anger clear in his eyes as he glared at the back of Daryl's retreating figure while what seemed to be Rick's arms held him back.

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