58: a game of utter confusion

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"I am scared to say I miss you // Last time I had you I should have kissed you." - I Like You. dandelion hands.

 dandelion hands

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The kiss was rushed, forceful, but Daryl's lips were soft. Softer than Erin had ever imagined they could be. Softer than they had any right to be on such a rugged, worn-down man. She vaguely felt a gasp escape her mouth as it connected with his, the sound swallowed by his lips and obscured by the rain which still poured over them both.

Her eyelids fell closed naturally, her body responding to his as though finely tuned into the same rhythm. Her heartbeat quickened in her chest, matching the thrumming beat of the rain.

Erin was engulfed by Daryl in that moment. All she could feel. All she could think about. All she knew was Daryl.

His lips moved against hers gingerly, his hand coming up to hold her shoulder as seconds felt like hours. She breathed him in, intoxicated by her senses as they drank in his slightly damp scent, the taste of his lips, the feel of his rough stubble against her skin, the thundering power of the rain echoing in her head.

Erin faltered. Her heart was soaring, but her head was confused, this abrupt action from the enigma of a man she'd been decoding making him infinitely more complex in seconds.

Where the hell had this come from? It was sudden, rushed, desperate. He was desperate for this, she'd seen it in his eyes in the milliseconds before, but this brashness wasn't in character. Well, it was for someone who only knew Daryl for his gruff and standoffish exterior, but Erin had chipped away at that and found some semblance of the man underneath. And that man was not this man.

Her thoughts were rushing through her mind as Daryl's hand moved to cup her face. She couldn't form much in the way of coherent thought, but she knew she wasn't happy. This was nice, for them both, but she was tired of trying to decode Daryl Dixon, waiting for his next move to try and understand what he was thinking.

This was not a shoot first, ask questions later sort of thing. Or at least it wasn't for Erin. They needed to talk about this. He needed to start answering some questions for once.

With this on her mind, her thoughts drifting away from the sensation of his lips on hers, she pulled away. She missed the warmth immediately, the heat fading from her body as quickly as it had initially spread. They were both breathing heavily, Daryl's breath hot against her face as he stared down at her for a moment in slight confusion, a hint of hurt flickering in his gaze along with a glimmer of what seemed to be hope. It was such a foreign sight in his eyes that it took Erin a moment to identify it.

She gulped down her feelings, looking up at him through her rain-soaked eyelashes and managing to mutter, "Daryl, wait..."

In that split second while she hesitated, struggling to find the right words, she could almost see his barriers going up. His protection from emotion arming itself behind his eyes as it had so many times before when she'd pushed too hard or he'd realised he'd revealed too much. His face hardened and he took a step back, removing his hand from her shoulder and turning his head away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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