Chapter 2

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"I don't know how, but it's true. You are pregnant, Guardian Hathaway." My head was in my hands as the Royal Doctor handed me the results. Lissa was shaking her head next to me in disbelief.

"This is impossible... There is no way. Dhampirs can't reproduce with other dhampirs." I knew that Lissa was thinking about our bond. And I knew because of the bond.

The doctor stared with an expression that mirrored that of Lissa's. "I can take an ultrasound, but I am afraid that it might further prove the test results positive."

"Well, by all means. Set up your equipment. This is not something that can happen." Lissa seemed slightly angered by this; but I knew she was more appalled. The doctor, only sensing anger, rushed out of the room to get the equipment she would need.

Lissa stared at me. "What is it?" I asked

"You are one strange Dhampir." Lissa said, holding my hand. I squeezed hers back and smiled sadly.

"A little too strange for my own good."

* * *

Mia was right in front of me, staring down at the picture with a peanut-shaped speck. We had to tell her. Of course we did, she was our friend. She shook her head in what seemed like disappointment, but it was surprise. "I can't believe that you keep doing the impossible, Rose."

I smiled, "I can't believe it either."

Lissa side-hugged me, smiling "I have to say, though... This isn't a bad accident. My Rosie is growing up."

I rolled my eyes, "What do you mean your Rosie? And since when am I Rosie?" This is the first time I have actually smiled in a while.

"Since Christian got me hooked on the nickname," she laughed. "Dimitri used to tell me that it was a cute nickname, but he liked Roza better."

I stiffened at Dimitri's name. Lissa immediately looked apologetic. Mia looked between the two of us, before it looked like realization had dawned on her face. "Did you tell Dimitri yet?"

Shit. "What should I do...?"

Lissa looked at me, "Send him a letter."

* * *

Dimitri Point of View-Two weeks later

I stood in the back of the room while Tasha worked with her Martial Arts class. I had to admit that she was very good, but she would be much better if she could use her fire magic. I could imagine fire shooting out of her hands with each punch, and incinerating her opponent with each kick. It could be a useful skill when fighting Strigoi. I didn't know why she should need me here.

Tasha and I were friends from when we went to the Academy together. It was a long time ago, though, and not worth mentioning. With my time sitting on the side lines and reminiscing about my time at the academy, I had realized that Roza and I were very similar in the way we acted when teenagers.


I wondered how she was doing. The way I left her... Without even saying goodbye to her, was a stupid and selfish thing to do. I was disgusted with myself. Some days, when I thought about my Roza, I couldn't even look in the mirror. I missed her so much.

I heard Tasha dismiss her class for the day and looked up, standing up from my leaning against the wall. I watched each of her students leave while she took a drink from her water bottle, padding her face with a towel. "Well, Dimka, shall we go home?"

I nodded, putting on a fake smile. I couldn't really smile when I was thinking about Rose, but I couldn't let her know that I was thinking about her. "Lets."

We retreated outside to the black SUV after Tasha had locked up, and she climbed in the back seat. I walked to the driver's seat and got in, buckling my seat belt. I pulled out of the driveway and got onto the highway, allowing us five minutes of silence.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you, Dimka?" She said.

I remained silent, which was always a good option when talking to Natasha Ozera.

"I don't understand why you keep thinking about her." She sighed. "Am I not good enough?"

I looked in the rear view mirror at her. "I don't know what you're talking about, Tasha. Why would you ask that? You are my oldest friend."

A look of sadness swept across her face, but was quickly replaced by a look of happiness. "I know Dimka. I was just thinking out loud. Nothing to worry about."

I averted my eyes back to the road. I knew she was asking me that question because I knew that she had feelings towards me. And I also knew that it was well aware between us that those feelings were not returned. She knew that my heart was with Rose, but it seemed to me that she just saw it as a challenge.

I pulled into her home's driveway, almost immediately moving towards her door and opening it for her. She smiled at the chivalry and I helped her out of the car, grabbing her duffle bag and a few of her things. We walked up the pathway and I opened the door. She walked into the house and set her water bottle and her towel on the counter, while I set her bag on the floor. "I will go and get the mail," I said. She nodded and I left to go to outside.

I approached the mail box, opening the latch and retrieving the bills and magazines that was for Tasha. I sifted through the mail and found a bulging letter that was addressed to me. I picked it out from the rest of the mail and went to the front porch, setting the other bills on the table and sitting in one of the chairs.

I opened the letter that was addressed to me and was surprised when there was a tube that fell out of the envelope. I picked it up, my eyes widening in realization to what it was. Putting it on the table, I read the letter eagerly.


You must be having a good time with Tasha, because I haven't heard from you since your escape plan the night of the cabin. Thanks for that, by the way. In this letter, I have put the pregnancy test that I took on June 3rd. That's two days ago for me. There should be a picture as well.

See you later,


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