Chapter 20

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Rose's Point Of View

Lissa wasn't exactly happy about my mother coming to visit, but she went with it. She had some of the guardians help her with putting together the rooms necessary for my mother's stay. Rose watched as the Queen in question hung up picture frames of Moroi Royals from the past. With Aria in her arms, she walked up to her surrogate sister and sighed. "Lissa, I know."

The blonde looked to Rose with confusion and slight terror in her eyes. "What are you talking about Rose?"

Rose sighed and walked to her friend, placing a hand on her shoulder whilst shifting her four month old in her arms. "I know about the baby."

The pale vampire went even paler. She looked to her task and started to straighten out a picture of one of her ancestors. "I am not sure what you're talking about, Rose. Unless we are talking about my goddaughter."

Rose shook her head and looked Lissa in the eye, which was hard considering the woman was turned away from her. "Lissa, the bond doesn't lie. You're five months pregnant right now. Don't lie to me." Lissa looked to her best friend with tears in her eyes.

"Christian still doesn't know. I don't know how to tell him; or how the paparazzi will take the Queen of all moroi and dhampir kind being pregnant before marriage. Hell, I don't know how my parents would take it." She covered her face with her hands and plopped down on the bed that was next to her. "I feel like my world is crashing just because of fornication with my fiance."

Rose's nose crinkled at the word that the twenty one year old used but sat next to her, passing her infant to the crying moroi. Aria always seemed to cheer up anyone who was down; it was like her super power. Lissa smiled at the child in her arms and kissed her head. "You don't need to worry, Liss. Everything will work out. Just tell Christian and I am sure that he won't care. He will be happier than when you said yes when he asked you to marry him."

The moroi smiled and nodded. She carefully hugged her friend, maneuvering Aria so she wasn't crushed. "Thank you, Rose."

"Of course, Liss. That's what I'm here for. Now let me see your baby bump!" Taking her daughter, she forced Lissa to stand. She pulled up her oversized sweater and smiled, grazing her hand over her bump. You could definitely tell that she was pregnant, considering how thin she was. It was a surprise to Rose that she could cover it up for so long. She placed her hand on the small bump and smiled, thinking that soon she would be an aunt as well.

* * *

Rose's Point of View--Mom's Arrival

As Dimitri and I snuggled in bed, we watched Dirty Dancing and he was absolutely involved in the film. His eyes followed every movement of the dances, and I had to admit that I was a little jealous at the attention that Baby was getting. I looked up at him and grimaced, "You enjoying the movie, hot shot?" I said jokingly.

He nodded his head, his eyes still trained on Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey grinding against one another. "It's interesting. Why do you ask?"

I smiled on the inside, "Well you seem captivated by the dance moves."

He turned to me a mischievous smile on his face. I was taken back by the look. "Just thinking of which moves I can use on you."

I smiled right back at him in the same way as he moved his head towards me, placing his lips gently on mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I returned the kiss with fervor. Dimitri's hand moved to my hair and started to massage my skull. I moaned and felt him smile against my lips as he moved on top of me, encompassing me in his arms.

My hands made quick work of his shirt while he did the same to mine. When the garments were discarded, our lips found each other again and our tongues battled for dominance. I roamed the plains of his chest and abs as he moved to my neck, nipping and sucking. I was sure he was going to leave a mark. I didn't care one bit; I was too caught up in loving my fiance.

My bra was flung across the room and my hair pulled out of its ponytail. Dimitri trailed his heavenly mouth down my neck and to my collarbone, licking his way down to my breasts and back up to my lips. I moaned into his mouth and he groaned deeply, grinding his hips against mine.

Then there was noises coming from the hallway.

"It's nice. This is the master, I take it."

The door opened.

Dimitri and I stared in horror.

My mother stared back.


Yell at me all you want lovelies, I know this is long over due. Like two months over due. I kinda lost my mojo for this story, but then I watched the movie again and it all came back to me. I will be hopefully posting the next chapter by tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be packing for camping so, there might not be an update, but I will definitely be having chapter 21 up! Love you guys and sorry for the long long long LONG wait!


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