Chapter 23

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Rose's Point of View

After about a month of my mother staying here and her not seeing Aria, I was happy to stay in my now hovel of an apartment and gush over my baby girl. I played with the six month old now, as she sat up and made adorable noises, her deep brown eyes looking up to me every now and again and smiling wide. I smiled right back and her and matched her noises. She giggled and laughed and I laughed right along with her.

Dimitri sat on the chair, wearing glasses and reading one of his western novels. He hid a smile behind his book, but I knew him well enough to where he was smiling. I looked up at him, and moved towards him, plucking the book from his hands and placing it on the end table. I kissed the smile off of his face and he kissed me back happily. I sat on his lap, and he held me in his arms as we watched Aria play. "Could this be any more perfect?" Dimitri whispered as he rubbed my thigh.

"I don't see how it could be," I answered, resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and my cheek and my neck. I chuckled, "Dimitri, Aria is right there."

"Yes, she is. Should we perhaps fix that?" I nodded and picked up Pushka, swinging her in the air and earning a shower of giggles from her.

"Let's go Push. Mommy and Daddy need some alone time." I kissed her cheek and took her to bed, having changed her into her pajamas before she began her play. She yawned and I smiled. Great timing, Aria.

I placed her gently into the crib, covering her with a blanket. She fell asleep almost instantly and I thanked St. Vlad that she was a heavy sleeper.

Dimitri was waiting for me in the doorway of our bedroom. I ran to him and jumped on his hips, he caught me and held me by my thighs. We kissed our way into the bedroom and he threw me on the bed.

Yea, things were pretty good right now. No mother, no queen, no nothing.

* * *

We woke up the next day tangled in each other's arms. Dimitri kissed my head and my cheek and I hugged him tighter. "Roza, we have to get up."

I groaned, "But I'm so comfortable."

He mimicked my groan in mock forlorn. "As am I, but we need to go and see Lissa. She wants to spend time with us, and--" I cut him off with a passionate kiss. I knew what he was going to say, and I didn't want to hear it.

"Fine, comrade. But you are taking care of the baby." I said, kissing his nose.

His eyes lit up, "I can live with that."

He ripped off the sheets and I noticed he was still naked. As he walked to pick up his pants, I stared appreciatively at what was mine. My fiancee sensed my gaze and smiled, "Like the view, Roza?" He said.

"More than you know, Comrade." I replied, chuckling. When his pajamas were on, he walked out of the room and towards the nursery. I set to dressing myself.

* * *

Dimitri carried Aria down the steps and into the parlour room as I had a diaper bag in hand. Since the castle was so big and since it didn't have a lot of baby things, I always had to carry one. We met with Lissa and Christian in the parlour and I gave Lissa a big hug. "Good to see you Liss."

I could feel her crying on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at the hormones that the pregnant girl emitted. They were worse than mine. I saw Mia and Alexei sitting on one of the couches and I smiled as Mia hugged me and all the men shook hands. "Rosemarie Hathaway, we live in the same house but you don't even talk to us. It has been weeks." Lissa chastised.

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. I feel bad about it, but I can't stand my mother anymore, Liss, I just can't. She is too demeaning."

She sighed, "I can't say I know what you're going through, but I can't help but envy you." She rubbed her five-month pregnant belly. I was so glad she told everyone. Christian was overly excited about it and was ready to be a father. I was happy for both of them, but the sad look on her face made me regret not showing my face for so long.

I hugged her tightly, feeling her arms snake around my torso I smiled in the familiarity. "I know, Lissa. I know."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the parlour's archway. I turned and saw my mother; her face as calm as ever. My eyes became filled with rage. Hers darted from me, to Lissa, to Aria. I growled lowly. Dimitri hid Aria behind my back and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Успокойся, Roza." He said softly. I ignored his plea for me to calm down.

"Listen to your men-- Fiancee, Rosemarie." My mother said curtly. I growled louder.

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore, mother." I spit out the last word.

She took a step forward and I shielded Aria more. She stopped in her advance and stood firmly in place. "Rose, I came to offer peace." She held her hands at waist length in a mock-calming gesture. I wasn't buying it.

Dimitri spoke this time, his face hard. "I am not sure how you can offer that, Guardian Hathaway." I gripped his hand in mine as we faced my mother.

"I wanted to apologize for what I said. I now realize that you aren't a child anymore. You're a guardian, a Fiancee, a mother, and a future wife." She sighed, her stance wavering. "I just can't seem to fathom that you have grown up so fast in such a short amount of time, Rose." She looked at me and then to Dimitri. "And I can't seem to comprehend that Guardian Belikov would be the one to mold you into who you are now."

I looked at my mother skeptically. I have never heard her show this much emotion. Especially not in my presence. She cautiously walked to me and took my hand. "Rose, I came here to see you and make sure you were doing alright. I saw you with Dimitri, and I thought you were ruining your future. Then when I found out he flew in from Russia, killed an old friend of his, and nearly died protecting you... And I stopped and looked at how you protected him and... And her. I am so proud of you, Rose." The corner of her eye held a small tear. I could tell that she wasn't faking this. She had never ever cried before.

The room was silent for a few moments. Mia and Alexei stood by each other, as well as Christian and Lissa. And Dimitri's hand moved to my shoulder; always my anchor. I looked around at the family I had created, the family I had brought together over my trials. And I was happy. I looked to my mother, and smiled at her. "Thank you." I whispered.

Then, she pulled me into a hug. Something I had not felt from my mother in years... And I started crying too. The world fell away and I felt like a little girl again, crying in my mothers arms. I held her close and she did the same. Even with her short frame, she was able to give me so much comfort. I stayed there for a few moments, loving being able to experience having a mother again. And then I pulled away, wiping the tears. She did the same and gave a small smile. "May I meet my granddaughter?" She asked lightly.

I looked to Dimitri, who held a smile on his face as well. He passed Aria to me and I showed the six month old to my mother. "Mom, this is Aria Vasilisa Yeva Belikova. And she is your granddaughter." My mother began to cry again and asked to take her from my arms. I nodded and passed the girl to her. She looked at her and smiled wider.

"She looks so much like you, Rosie." My mother sighed. I blushed a little at the sound of my childhood nickname that Christian had guessed and I looked at him, seeing him smirk. I gave him the look 'Shut up, fireboy' and he only smiled more.


Alright. This is way too long over due. It's been like two months... I know, I know. But, I will start updating more hopefully. I lost my mojo for the story but now, I kinda got it back.

So, if you didn't see there will be a sequel. I have a major surprise in store, so be patient and it will turn out good in the end. I am thinking on next chapter being the last instead of 25 chapters. The next will be a short epilogue, but that's all I will say ;) I love you all and thanks so much for sticking with the story. I am so surprised at the attention it has gotten and I couldn't be happier.

Love always,


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