Chapter Two: Birdy

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Keigo looked at Touya as they walked away from the town. "What was all the commotion there about anyways?"

 Touya sighed. "It was just some random thief that I stopped."

 Keigo's eyes brightened. "You really could be a great hero, Touya!"

 Touya said nothing.

 "... Touya?" Keigo asked, confused. 

He sighed. "Keigo... I don't want to be a hero. Not anymore. Dad and Mom don't believe in me, and nor do Sho, Nat or Yumi! None of them think I can be a hero, and, what's worse, I don't even believe in myself..."

"Touya... I believe in you!" Keigo said, suddenly stopping and throwing his arms around Touya, who flushed lightly.

"I appreciate it, but it won't make me want to be a hero. I've well and truly given up on that." Touya said into Keigo's messy blonde hair.

Keigo pouted. "Hmph. Well maybe I won't become a hero then, if you won't, Tou!"

 Touya pulled away. "No. You've always wanted to become I hero. I never really wanted to, it was all because of my father-"

Keigo pulled Touya back into a hug. "Your Dad isn't here. He won't hurt you while I'm around."

 Touya laughed. "Then become a hero to protect me from him, won't you?"

 Keigo looked at Touya, his eyes sparkling. "That's a great idea! I just have to stick with the HPSC's training for another few years, then I'll become a hero and protect you!"

Touya smiled softly, pressing his head into the slightly smaller boy's shoulder, and thinking that just maybe... A brighter future could be ahead of him.

 "I sure hope so, Birdy..." He whispered softly.

Touya replayed that conversation in his head as he walked back to his house slowly. A small smile crept onto his face. "Stupid bird..." He muttered under his breath.

He wiped the smile off his face as he walked round the back of his house, sneaking into his bedroom, praying his dad hadn't noticed he was gone.

Suddenly, the floorboard creaked.

Touya's breath caught in his throat.

 "Where have you been."

 Touya turned slowly to face his dad. "... out..."

 "Without asking?"

 " ... Yeah. I guess. "

He felt a hand whip out and slap his cheek. Touya fell back onto the floor, wincing.

 "DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION EVER AGAIN YOU USELESS CHILD! NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Endeavor yelled, his flames lighting up his face, making him look villainous in the darkness.

 "But I haven't eaten-" Touya tried to protest in vain.


Touya choked, but stayed down until his dad slammed the door behind him. He got up shakily, stumbling over to his room and quietly going inside, shutting the door behind him. He walked over his wooden floor to the floor-length mirror on his burgundy wardrobe door.

He assessed the damage done to his face and his side.

'It'll bruise,' he thought to himself, eyeing the red mark on his cheek.

He pulled up his white shirt and glanced at his stomach.

'Probably some bruised ribs too. A bit of rest will fix that.' 

He signed and got changed into his pyjamas. Maybe it would all blow over the next morning.

'Pfft. As if.'

(A/N: I'm probably overexaggerating Endeavor's behaviour but it's a fanfiction, so who cares. I'm happy to finally have the motivation to update again! I do feel like I'm getting distracted with the cute little Touya and Keigo moments and ignoring the actual storyline but who cares. HotWings is a cute ship.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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