Chapter 5:

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Organizators are meeting in locker rooms, where we stored all of our needed material. Mr. Peterson is talking to a guy who plays Figaro, when me and Iza join the group. He sends him away and turns to us: "Thank you everyone who came and is willing to help. I assume you saw the e-mail, I sent to you yesterday. If not I will ask you to read it, after I finish. In the mail there was a Word document attached where you should find yourself in one of the groups. I divided you in groups for easier working. Each group should pick its leader who will then come to me for instructions. Now, please, check the e-mail and make your groups."

I read the e-mail, but I also open it, so I can see who else is in my group. It's me, Iza, Anabell, Jasmine, Lisa and Clare. I know most of them. Clarie is one year older than me and is more shy and quiet, but is extremely nice. Jasmine and Lisa are in the same year as me. I think they are in my math class. I don't remember talking to them before. Anabell and I have worked for drama club before. 

Once we had to open the curtains for the play to start and it was a disaster. Something got stuck when we started the machine that opens them automatically and we had to open them with our hands. We did it, but our laughter was heard in the hall. Yeah, we never got that job again. 

Our group gathers and I ask: "So, who is going to Mr. Peterson?" Jasmin and Lisa exchange a look, then Lisa says: "We are helping for the first time and we think is better if someone with more experience takes more responsibility." "That means one of us," Anabell says and points to me, Clare and herself. Clare shakes her head: "Please not me." Anabell looks at me and gives me puppy eyes: "Rosalia will you please be our leader?" I smile at her and use that clearly fake nice voice: "Fine, I'll be our leader." 

After I roll my eyes, I walk to Mr. Peterson: "Hi, my group has the entrance. What do we have to do?" He is sitting so he looks up at me and when he recognises me he smiles and says: "Hey, Rose. Your team..." He trails off to look for a clipborad with instruction for our team. As he finds it, he scans it and says: "Aha, there is six of you, so I recomend you put two girls at the entrance of school to give people directions to the gym, two girls should sell tickets and the other two have to stand at the entrance in the gym to check tickets. That's what you'll do around half an hour before six. Until then you need to hang the posters and put on the decorations. Everything else is in here." He gives me the clipboard. "Thank you," I take it and walk back to the girls.

They all look at me expectingly. "Okay, we have to put on the posters and decoration at the entrance. Half an hour before the play we have to be on our positions," I tell them and they nod. I go on: "Two of us have to be at the school entrance and give people directions to the gym, two will sell tickets. We have to prepare the table for that. And the last two will be at the entrance to gym and check for tickets. Anyone wants a particular job?" They shrug and shake their heads. "Okay, then I think it's the best if Jasmin and Lisa give people directions to the gym, me and Iza sell tickets and Clare and Anabell check tickets," I assign them. 

They don't complain about their jobs. I guess they're okay with them. "We still have like three hours, what do we do now?" asks Iza. I wave infront of her with the clipboard: "You'll find out just now." I read the first page. "So, as I said we have to prepare the ticket table and put on decorations. I think it's best if everyone does a seperate job. Jasmin, Lisa and Clare will you take the decorations?" I ask them. They nod and Jasmine asks: "Where are they?" I give her the page with instructions for decorating the entrance: "Everything should be here. You three can go and start working. Find me if you need anything." They start reading and then get to work. 

"We have to make the table?" Iza asks and I nod: "Come on, let's go get the table, decorations and the cash-register." We go in the next locker room where they put everything. Anabell and Iza take the table and I get the tablecloth and some ribbon thing to put on the table.

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