Chapter 6:

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Every time I rewatch this play I forget how long it is. Our school has been performing the same play for 3 years. This is my fifth time watching it and two hours and fifteen minutes later, I recall that it was THAT long. Literaly every time I watch it I am suprised by its lenght. 

We get out of the gym and I go to grab my backpack from my locker, then I join them. Them meaning Iza, Tristan and Vald. When I return to them, Iza is saying something. I step next to her and say: "So Vald how did you found the play?" "I am impressed. How do they learn all that lyrisc? They were really good," he says impressed. Tristan shrugs: "It's not that hard. Also, we did it much better." Iza playfully punches his arm: "You're just jealous, because Alex played Cherubino better than you." That is not correct. I liked Tristan as Cherubino better. But I don't say that out loud.

"I was surprised when they striped him off. Is that even allowed? Little kids are watching this play," Vald states. I nudge Iza and whisper to her: "I am sure you were shocked too." I smirk at her and she blushes. Then I say louder: "That's the part of play and I belive that seeing a boy shirtless is not that much of a scandal." "I will never forget that one time, I was being striped off and one girl gasped out loud. The whole cast tried so hard not to laugh. I think that was the best moment of me playing him," Tristan tells.

Vald looks at us and a smirk gets plasterd on his face: "I bet you two liked seeing Alex shirtless." He wiggles his eyebrows at us. I can't help, but laugh. Just remembering Iza's reaction... I look at her and state: "I am sure, she did." She hits my arm: "Rose!" Vald and Tristan laugh at her high pitched reaction. She then adds, offended: "I did NOT like seeing Alex shirtless." We all laugh at that, except for her. She blushes and covers her face. I could tease her more and mention her gasping, but I take it easy on her. 

When we calm down Vald says: "I gotta go, my mum is here to pick me up. See ya Monday!" With that he leaves. Me and Iza wave to him.

Tristan turns to me: "How are you going home?" "I'll walk," I carelessly say. He looks at me like I am crazy: "You are not serious, right? It's freezing out here and you have more than ten-minutes-walk to home. Can't you call your dad to come pick you up?" I shake my head: "I'll be just fine with walking. I told dad, that he doesn't have to come pick me up." He chuckels humorlessly: "You can't walk home alone at that hour. It's dark and cold. Something can happen to you."

I am offended by that. I can take care of myself and what can happen to me? "I am compleately capable or walking home by myself," I look him right in his eyes. They are dark blue, not bright anymore, but darkened by worry and anger. Well, I do like pissing him off and by objecting him, that's exacly what I'm doing. So I push it a little further: "What? Are you worried about me?" I ask with a pout and mess his hair.

He steps back a little, but doesn't answer me. I look at Iza for little help. "Don't give me that look, I agree with him. It's dangerous out there at this hour, expecially on a Friday night," she says. "Iza! You're supposed to be on my side," I say. Tristan rubs his tempels and looks at Iza: "You go home, I'll go with her. Mum said something earlier, I think she needs you for something." Iza hugs me and whispers to my ear: "Don't you dare go home alone." She walks towards the pavement: "Bye!" 

I wave to her and turn back to see Tristan intensly looking at me. I look him in the eyes: "What?" We hold eye-contact. I shiver slightly and rub my arms. I didn't realize it was that cold before. I should have taught about that. It's only March and it gets dark and cold pretty quickly. "Lia, your cold. You can't walk home like that. You'll freeze," he says. I look away from him and at my feet.

"I am walking home and you can't stop me," I state and start walking away from him. I hear him groan, but keep on walking. He grabs my wrist and puls me to stop. "Leave me alone!" I yell at him: "I want to go home." He groans, again. He then lets go of my arm and walks with me. I stop: "What do you think you're doing?" He shrugs: "If you're walking home, then I am walking with you." 

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