Chapter 2:

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*T-t, T-t, T-t, T-t, T-t, T-t, T-t, T-t...*

UGH! Nooooo, I don't want to get up. Shut up, you stupid alarm clock! I hit the clock and it goes silent. Now I have to get up. I sit up with a groan. I am still half asleep as I slowly move to the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. Argh! That was cold... And refreshing. Now I am woken up. I prepare everything for school. I am once again standing infront of my warderobe, which is in fact full and yet I still have nothing to wear. I pick out some jeans. They are baggy and high waised. Hmm, I think this will work. I throw them on my bed. Today it's gonna be warm. At least that's what I heard. I'll be good with green top. I throw it next to my jeans. I put everything on and head downstairs. Dad is in kitchen drinking coffee: "Morning." "O, hey I made you some tea," dad points to the counter. I take my tea and some toast with marmelade. We eat in silence.

"Gotta go, see you after school. Bye, dad," I run to the door and put on my favourite green shoes and grey jacket. Then I start walking towards school. Not far from me, behind all the houses is a forest. It's beautiful listening to the melody of birds. It's early spring and they are singing non stop. Their song is bringing spring back to life.

I can't stop thinking about the image from yesterday. What does it mean? Why did it show now and not before? To get answers I speed up. I finally made it to the parking lot. Gosh, that is the longest I walked to school, well at least it felt like it. I see the street lamp. It looks exactly the same as the image. No, wait... There is a note on it. What is this, some kind of joke? Because I don't like it and I'm not playing anymore. I didn't sign up for this. The note says:

"You look good today. Have a nice day!"

Ohhh, thanks. It's cute. But still scary and confusing. *Ping* I look at my phone. Iza texted me in all caps, basically screaming at me: "WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?" Damn, I only have like 10 minutes until the bell. Time flies and I lost the track of it. I fold the note and put it in my back pocket, then I walk into the school.

Iza is waiting on me in front of my locker. I greet her and take out my books. First we both have English and then I have Biology till lunch. First in theory and then lab. Biology is my favourite subject, I mean it was kinda obvious, wasn't it? We walk to class and sit at our desks. Left side, next to the windows in 4th row. These are the best spots. Just as we sit, the bell rings. But Mrs. Bennet is late as always. I can't remember one time when she came on time. "Yesterday after you left I talked to Jeremy. And he asked me out on another date!" she squeals. "Oooo, and where are you going this time?" by the way, Jeremy is the boy she met and went on a date with. "I don't know, he said it's a surprise," teacher cuts her off: "Hello, everyone, how are you today? Please open your books on page 125. We are reading a poem written by Emily Dickinson." And here we go again. I know this poet because it was in the series Dickinsons. 

"I just remembered the show. Hailee is such a legend. She made Emily so relatable," Iza says as we walk out of the classroom. "Yeah, right. I thing Hailee is such a mood in every aspect," pure legend. "Indeed," she agrees: "What do you have next?" I smile: "Biology and then lab." She rolls her eyes at me: "Lucky, I have Maths. As much as I don't like Biology it's definitely better than Math." "It is what it is... See ya!" I turn the other way towards my classroom. 

I walk in class and... Ugh, seriously! Why does he have to sit in my chair: "Ummm, excuse me, can you move somewhere else, because that is my place?" He looks at me with disbelieve: "Fine, I'll move to the seat next to yours." I sigh, but sit down. Why doesn't anyone sit next to me, so I could shoo him away? "Hi, I'm Valdemar. What's your name?" he turns to me. "I'm Rosalia. You have an interesting name," it's true, never heard it before. He nods: "Thanks. My mum likes Norwegian mithology so she gave me a Norwegian name." I look at him expectingly: "And... What does it mean?" He smirks: "Powerful and famous." I laugh: "Interesting..." Powerful and famous, he could just say I am sooo in love with myself. No need to make stuff up. Powerful, I don't see. Not for him. Famous, maybe. After all he is a hockey player and they are well known in our school.

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