Chapter Two, Volantis

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Chapter Two, Volantis

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Chapter Two, Volantis

~ The sea to Volantis, August 289 AC ~

It has been a few years since Visenya had seen the deaths of her mother, sister and brother; felt the twin bond between her and her elder twin sister, Rhaenys, snap and therefore leaving a void where the bond used to be. But under the tender care of her Aunts, Uncles, cousins and Sirs Barristan and Arthur, she had flourished into an amazing young girl.

Now at ten name days old, Visenya was peering out at the vast horizon, the sun gleaming off of the deep blue ocean as she travelled to Volantis with her Uncle Oberyn, his three eldest daughters, Obara, and Nymeria and Tyene, along with her cousins Arianne and Quentyn, and her Lady in Waiting Marlessa. Journeying with them were members of House Velayron - (who had sworn to Visenya several months after she had arrived in Sunspear, including all of the Houses sworn to House Martell naming her their rightful Queen) - including Laenar Velayron II Heir to House Velayron who she reluctantly admitted she had a crush on.

~ Flashback: Sunspear, Winter Solstice 283 AC ~

As night dawned the Great Hall filled up with many Houses from all across Dorne and the House of Velayron, who had all been journeying to Sunspear for months to pay homage to Visenya Fireborn of House Targaryen the rightful Queen of Westeros. Prince Doran had decided to hold a grand feast knowing well what the Lords and Ladies were going to do for they had written to him of their request, which he had accepted. For the last few months they had worked hard to pull Visenya out of her depression by teaching her High Valyrian, the rules and ways of Westeros and how to fight with all sorts of weapons (and poisons), they wanted to help her be prepared for the future, to rule with the finesse they all knew the young girl possessed.

"Visenya, it's time to go." Lasa called, entering the young girl's bed chambers after knocking to collect her for the feast. Only to spot the young girl working away at the desk in the corner. "What are you working on?" She asked.
"This." Visenya proclaimed proudly, showing off her list which she had spent the last hour making sure it was perfect - if the screwed up bits of paper littering the desk and the floor were to go by. Glancing at the list, Lasa couldn't help but smile proudly and kiss the young girl's head feeling incredibly touched.
"This is amazing, well done. Kirimvose." Lasa praised, as she read over the list once more.

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