Chapter II - Metal Arm

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It has been 14 years after Nick Fury met the anomaly that was Carina. Even after she showed him her past lives, Nick still think that Carina is a child. And thus why he made it his job to be her guardian.

Carina thought she will stay at SHIELD's HQ when she accepted the offer to stay. She never expected Nick to take her home with him instead. Carina must admit, Nick is a good man. He never betrayed her trust and keep his word of not ordering her.

She did some of the missions SHIELD's have, mostly because Nick allow her to either kill the target or maim them. She'll never refused bloodshed after all.

She was pleasantly surprised when Nick introduced her as Carina Fury. Though Nick reasoned that it's so that the Council will be unable to get their hands on her, Carina could notice the small fondness Nick has for her.

The said man was quite busy lately. Nick told her that he planned on assembling a group of 'superheroes'. Carina merely shrugged and told him she will be 'visiting' one of HYDRA's base she recently found.

Nick sighed exasperatedly. Growing up, she never lose her murderous tendencies, especially towards HYDRA. He learned to accept her love for bloodshed. As long as she don't start killing innocent people, he has no problem of what she do.

And so, Carina found herself standing infront of a building that is hidden from civilization. She could see armed guards standing outside the building, on guard.

'Hmm.. What's in there that made them place so many guards outside? And all of them are so... Vigilant.'

Carina made her way towards the building so casually. As if she was merely walking in a park. An innocent smile plastered on her face, making her look more angelic.

"Halt!" Carina stopped and raise her hands.

"This is a restricted area!"

Not saying anything, Carina snapped her fingers and all of the guns on the guards hands exploded. Burning their hand along with it. Screams of agony filled the air, alerting more guards who came running outside.

"What are you hiding?" Carina asked curiously. This base has too many guards.

Shots were fired at her immediately. She looked almost bored at this. A raise of her hand halted all the bullets, and with a flick she returned the bullets to them. Killing several guards.

"This is getting rather pathetic. Don't you think?"

Carina continued her walk inside. Stopping now and then to get rid of HYDRA's agents who stood in her way.

She almost walked past a room before she backtracked and looked at the thing inside. A man strapped to a chair with this weird machinery attached to him.

She tilted her head curiously, finding him familiar somehow. She stepped in and walked closer to the man.

"You look familiar."

The man who clearly looked exhausted could only follow her with a his gaze. He felt something weird.

He doesn't understand why he felt the urge to pulled her in his embrace and shield her away from everything.

Carina took the machine off of the man. She sent a curious look at the man.

"Who are you?"

"I don't know..." His hoarse voice filled the room.

Carina still couldn't shake off the familiarity of this man. She tapped her chin, lost in thought, while different part of the base started exploding. Shaking the entire building.

Carina suddenly clicked her fingers and point at the man.

"Weren't you the one who tried to kill the Starks? That's right! You are! Sorry not sorry for stopping you."

The man merely looked at her with a confused gaze. Not understanding anything she said. Have they met before?

"Woah. Looked at the mess they made in your brain. No wonder you don't remember anything."

Carina placed her hand on his temple and a soft lime light enveloped her hand. A warm tingle seeped into his skin before a painful rush of memories flooded his mind. It was pure torture for him.

Carina also send a rush of energy into him. She created a protection barrier on this room and left the man. Continuing her mission on destroying this base.

She found the archive room and kept all of the archives inside a limitless spatial storage she have. She finally found herself in the engine room and blow up the entire room causing an even bigger explosion.

She finally went outside and found several people trying to break out of the barrier she placed that surround the entire base, preventing them from leaving. Tendrils of thick black shadows shot up and pierced some of the people trying to escape, while the other got strangled to death.

No one survived it except for the man with a metal arm.


When the man came to, he found himself sitting inside the only room that survived. Everything around him was nothing but rubbles.

He stood up shakily and exited the room. Charred bodies and debris littered the ground. There wasn't even a wall standing except for the room he was in.

He could see the bodies of the people who experimented on him, lay lifelessly on the ground, barely recognizable.

He looked left and right, unable to find the girl who saved his life. The one he almost kill under HYDRA's influence. The one he hurts.

His Soulmate

He ran a hand through his shoulder length hair frustrated. Letting out a harsh breath.

"Damn it."


"Carina. Whatever happen don't return to New York yet."

The voice of Nick Fury came from Carina's phone. Said girl was lying on the bed in her hotel room.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just don't. I will tell you later. How's your mission?"

"Great. Found something in there. Do you want me to send the files?"


"Are you okay, Nick?" Carina question warily.

She could hear shouts from the phone. Something happened in New York, and somehow Nick doesn't want her there. So it must be serious.

"Yes. Just don't return until I say so."

"Okay.." She said unsure.

Nick cut off the call after that, leaving the white haired girl wondering. Carina shook her head.

'Well.. Might as well have a holiday here. It's been a while since the last time I enjoy a trip.'

The girl shrugged before turning off the lights and sleep peacefully. Dream about a man with metal arm followed her soon enough.


Word Count : 1072


Just a note, don't expect Carina or our protagonist to have a moral or sense of justice. She doesn't. She has no remorse for killing people. Which is why for good people who hate her personality, just leave alright. I honestly don't think anyone who lived for so long like Carina won't have a twisted moral. She will probably developed some sense of justice later on, but she still will have no remorse for killing.

Hope you enjoy! 👋


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