Chapter VI - The Party

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"Here you go."

Carina enters Nick's office and carelessly threw the trunk she acquired in D.C.

"Oh! And I killed your little courier. He asked for money, in which you didn't give me any. So..."

Nick deadpan at her. He should've known she would and will shed some blood either way, with or without her powers. Carina shamelessly grinned at him, not feeling the slightest bit of remorse.

Nick took the trunk and place it under his desk, with more care than Carina earlier. He doesn't want to risk anything, especially when dealing with alien technology he doesn't understand. He'd rather not deal with alien fights ever again. As impossible as that is.

Carina on the other hand, he can already picture her reaction if something happen because of these alien weapons. She would probably clap her hand and jump up and down like a kid in a toy store.

"I heard there was an explosion in D.C."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. My car blew up."

Nick freeze and glanced at her, unsure if he was hearing things or not. Carina just casually picking on her nails as if it was another normal day and not some life threatening situation.

"Your... car.. blew up?" He was silent for another minute before continuing with one word.


"Those Hydra fucker are hunting me down. Chased me through D.C. I took a gamble and teleported here. Good thing nothing bad happen, and my power is still under control."

Carina stretched and yawns, tired from her chase. She propped her chin on her palms, blinking her eyes sleepily. Nick looked at her in wary.

"Go home, Star. I'd rather not have you sending my agents to the hospital wings.. again."

Carina nodded and stood up. Exiting Nick's office lazily, one knuckle rubbing at her eye. Leaving Nick Fury heaving a relieved sigh.


"Good morning, Star."

Carina nodded in Nick's direction to acknowledged him and proceed to flop down in her self claimed armchair in Nick's office. Casually sipping her morning coffee.

Nick didn't mind the girl, letting her do her own business, while he finishes up his paperwork. That was until she uttered one sentence that always ended up in a huge mess.

"I'm bored."

Nick stopped and put down his paperwork. He opened up his drawer and pull out a brown folder, opening and skimming through the file to check if it was the right one. He passed the file to Carina who tilted her head in confusion.

She opened the file pertaining a list of people and their information. Carina looked up and silently asked what this was about.

"They're traitors. They used to work with Shield before they stole some of the alien artifacts we acquired in the last battle and sold them off. They've been hiding under, away from our radar. We just got their possible location. They will be at the place mentioned in the file this sunday."

"It's a party right?" Carina asked.

"Not just a party. There will be many influential people attending this party. So yes, you have to dress up."

Carina groaned at the mere thought of wearing a dress. She is not looking forward to this.

"At least tell me I can kill them."

"You can kill them. But don't attract any attention to you."

"That's easy." Nick glanced at her judgemental.

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