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Astrid's pov
I splash water on him making him awaken. I tilt my head glaring. I remember what he did. It's something I'll never forget. I wasn't as trained then as I am now. There were others with him but they killed themselves before I could. He's it. I trusted this man with my life and he was a traitor working for the men who killed my family. He was supposed to kill me but decided to do something else. My men noted I was late to a meeting and found me. The others that were with him already had their fun and I was almost unconscious at the time. Magnus got him off. Magnus my greatest friend and confidante. He's the only father figure that I truly know.

Fear is in Korgo's eyes. I smirk "todays your day" I announce "this man is a rapist! An abuser! A traitor! He's from the western kingdoms you raid! He tried to assassinate me but chose to invade me and others instead! He did not act alone but they were cowards and killed themselves" The crowd yells and throws things at him. I hold my hand up "you will not be dying easy for your crimes Korgo. But first tell me how do you plead? Tell your side I wish to actually know" he says "I was indeed sent to kill you astrid. I was going to many times! But I couldn't. I fell in love with you" I scoff "so you decided to rape me and others instead."

"I-I didn't have a choice. My people came and made you trust them and they made me!" He says. He's lying. I chuckle "you know...I've trained more...which means I can tell a liar when I see one. And you're not being honest." He says "I figured it'd be easier to make you a lover so I can do what I was told" "that didn't turn out too well for you did it? For your crimes you will be punished by enduring a blood eagle" I say and Thor lands and roars frightening the male. He's seen Thor last when he was small. He begs "please astrid have mercy!"

 He begs "please astrid have mercy!"

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"There is no mercy for men like you. Don't bother not screaming you won't be entering Valhalla anyway." I snap. I'm handed sheers and I cut his shirt off. He cries "please astrid" "may you be tortured in Niflheim" I say. I'm handed a knife by ragnar and he mutters "for our queen" I press the knife down on his flesh and he immediately grits his teeth. I cut his braid and mutter "you never had the right to one...and now you are defeated" he cries out as I drag it down his spine. I'm covered in blood already and I haven't even really started.

Once it's done I grin as this is one of my favorite parts. I put my hands in the wound and tear two flaps from the flesh slowly so he really feels it. He passes out as others tend to. I stand and back away as Magnus wakes him with water. I tell Korgo "you will be awake until I'm ready for you to die" he cries "please" I chuckle "I'm nowhere near done"

I grab an axe from ragnar and he mutters "careful" as my had skims the blade. I nod and take it and start hacking away at his ribs. Blood gets on me but I don't care. I say "may hel take this sacrifice and torture it well" he spits blood and snaps "fuck you" ragnar punches him and replies "I wouldn't be cursing the woman you need mercy from...not that you'll get it anyway" I reach inside and take his lungs and put them on his shoulders and I watch as he chokes and he's refusing to die. Cute.

Floki says "he's fighting it" I nod "most of em do. But that won't last long" as he passes out. Water is splashed again and he doesn't move. I touch his neck and I feel his pulse "bring me the rats" Magnus nods and hands them to me and I put them inside the holes of his body and he wakes with an agonized scream as they eat at him. I take them out "ragnar" he comes over and I say "you gifted me with my prisoner. What do you and your men want?" Hands roaming. What? He's gorgeous really. He looks at his companions and they shake their heads "nothing else. Just an alliance. Like we already agreed on." His hand on my arm and Korgo snaps "don't touch her!" He's always been the jealous type. I chuckle "I am not yours to decide that for. You're dying for heinous acts you know!" He smiles "I was your first you'll always be mine" I nod to Magnus who has the rats and he puts them back in his body and he screams in agony before it stops. It's a wonder that he's still alive.

Ragnar strokes the blood on my cheek smearing it and tells Korgo "and it I have it my way I'll be her last and only" "is that what you want? For your services?" I ask and he chuckles "my queen you are not a whore to pay with sex for my services to you...if you're to be mine it's because you deem it so" I nod "very well" the games shall commence. I note Korgo passed out and I grab the rats putting them in  again and he screams. "You're still alive...that'll make this more fun." I tell my men "hang him up from the trees for the birds to eat" setting the rats free and he cries "please!" as the men do as I said. I watch it and chuckle at his weak attempts to fight. He has a lot of fight in Him.

We trained him to have that. It's not normal for Englishmen to have. They're the weaker species of men. I tell my men "when he's dead take him down and send his head to his father." "Yes your grace" he says and I walk back to my home and to a bath. The blood didn't get into my hair much luckily. I hear footsteps and I grab my dagger. I put it down seeing ragnar.

Ragnars pov
I find her in the tub. I haven't seen a woman of royalty so excited to see blood before. Or a woman happy to do a blood eagle before. I enjoy her. I do. She's...interesting. She asks "what Is it Ragnar" I smile "I just wanted to see you" "while I bathe? Not that I mind" she says with a chuckle. I add "I want to know if you're okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine ragnar" she replies. I say "I am impressed and taken with you Astrid"

"And I with you" she replies and I brush the loose strains from her face and say "you and I together...truly together can do magnificent things my queen" she asks "is this your way of asking for my hand and becoming king? You have a better chance by killing me" sassy. I like it.

I reply "I have no need or want to hurt you

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I reply "I have no need or want to hurt you. You're my queen and will rule. But I only wish to do so at your side." She raises an eyebrow "really?" "Bring you and your people to Kattegat. Marrying you will make me king yes but not more powerful than you. A queen is the most powerful is it not" I say. She chuckles "my peoples homes are here ragnar. My home is here" "Kattegat can be your home too. Can be the dragons' homes as well. You will still be queen no matter where you reside. You can leave people here. But you are a Valkyrie. You are to be protected by us northmen the gods deem it so." I continue.

"We will be fighting a war for your people ragnar. Why is that not enough?" She asks confused. I smile "because astrid you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. I enjoy you. And I can tell you enjoy me as well. Why not? I want you. I don't care for being king but if the western men see us as a united front more than we will be it'll work more in our favor"

She leans forward our faces inches from one another "you betray me and you and your men will end up like Korgo." Fire in her eyes "trust me astrid. You are our main priority" I tell her and stroke her cheek and she says "and you don't have a wife?" "I do not" I say honestly. "Why me?" "I have already said I'm taken with you" I say. And I am. Freyja must be at play. And I will not ignore her offering.

"You're different astrid and i find myself liking that...liking you." I continue. She replies "then we'll see how it goes." I smile "really?" "Wipe the smile Lothbrok it's just a trial" she chuckles and I pull her in kissing her. She pulls me closer and I tug at her white blonde hair, I break away with a smirk "great at fighting, a queen, don't mind torturing, and you're a good kisser...there anything you're bad at?" She rolls her eyes "shut it"

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