Chapter 5: Blue

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A/N: July 31, 2022

Terribly sorry for the slow update 😭🙏 I hope you guys are well!

How are you enjoying your summer? Have you guys traveled/plan on traveling? ✨

Please leave a vote for this chapter, it would mean a lot ❣


We never spoke of that night. I wanted to be angry at Oliver, but it wasn't his fault for sneezing. I was the one who drunk texted my ex-boyfriend, and I was also the one who lost my phone. There was no reason for me to hold a grudge. 

I was getting ready to go to work until I got a call from Jack. 

"You're alive!" he exclaimed. "Did you get home safely?"

"Mhm," I mumbled. I told him what happened after we left the bar. 

"Did he seriously call his Twingo the batmobile?" Jack laughed. "His humor is top tier! I love this guy."

I didn't say anything. 

"Hey, don't be upset. He went through a lot of trouble to find you your phone," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"We spent about an hour looking for it. He asked all the employees and went up to random strangers, even me! He asked if they could cut the music and if everyone could get off the dance floor so he could see if anyone found his phone," he said. "I gave up, but he kept looking."

He did? But he told me he found it on the floor. 

I felt a pang of guilt. 

"So don't be so mad at him. Plus, he gave you a free ride home," Jack said. After the call, I drove to Oliver's place.

I knocked on the door and Oliver opened it. He was wearing pink hippo pajamas. 

"Goodmorning, Oliver," I smiled. "I bought you coffee. I wasn't sure if you wanted sugar or not."

"Oh, thank you," he said. 

"Is that a donut in your hand?" I asked, staring at the half eaten bread. 

"Yes, it's my breakfast."

He was about to take another bite but I quickly stopped him. 

"How about I make you breakfast? Something healthier," I said. He didn't answer but let me inside. I picked up a paper and pencil on the floor and put it in front of him. He sat down at the table, pulling his knees against his chest as he munched on his sugar glazed donut.

"I didn't know we were having a quiz this morning," he said, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion.

"Could you write down if you have any allergies and what kind of food you like and don't like?" I asked. "Oh, and do you mind if I open your fridge?"

"Be my guest," he said, with icing on his beard. I realized he had eaten the donut in his hand, and I held back a sigh. I went through his fridge. There was almost nothing. Just some water, some coffee, and a block of cheese. 

Oliver finished writing his answers and handed me his paper. 


Allergies: vegetables
Likes: donuts
Dislikes: vegetables

This was a man child. A tall, gigantic, man child who sneezed like a monster.

"Which vegetable are you allergic to?" I asked. 

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