Chapter Five: Battle for the Damned

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Hey, it's me Xavier. Ready to end this? If you've read this far, I'm proud of you. You made it to the end. And yes, I know I said the climax wasn't here just yet. But I lied. The climax began as soon as we stepped foot into L's domain. I mean, it kept you invested didn't it? Exactly. Besides, who said the climax was over yet? Because it's not. It is far from over. I promise you that reader, the battle and the war are two different things, and the battle may be finished but the war is far from over. Now, I don't know how much time I have right now to continue this narrational flashback before Nella gets back with our dinner for the night, so let us get right back to where we left off. Are you ready? There's no turning back from this now. No turning back, no running, and no hiding from the truth. Time to see what you're really made of. This is your true test to see how interested you have really been in all of this throughout our multiple sessions. Were you paying attention? I guess we will find out shortly. No more secrets. No more lies. Only truth. I'm just warning you, reader. Don't get expectations for this story. It may not end the way you think it will? Or do you already know how this ends? I think that your interpretation of an ending and the ending to this chaotic, tragic war, are most likely complete strangers to each other. But, I digress. No more delaying. Prepare yourself, because I'm ready to continue. Are you?

Nella and I, and our soldiers, as well as our newly rescued Luke were all captured in L's castle. He had locked us in as he shot upwards. So we were trapped. We weren't just trapped. We were trapped in the castle of L. It couldn't get any worse. Or that's what we had thought initially. And then it did. At first, it was quiet. But as the moments passed, it grew louder and louder. More of L's goons were coming to finish us off. I had looked at Luke and smiled. He knew I had a plan so he had nodded back at me. I pulled out my walkie talkie and radioed to headquarters requesting backups and all of our available soldiers. I got a response almost instantly. The second commander underneath me said he was having tanks sent out as well as every soldier that was on standby at the base. In terms of time, that gave me and the crew about 15 minutes to hold off L and his minions before our backup arrived. 

We had no choice but to prepare for a fight. I ran into what looked like a gated area. To my luck, it was a scrap part room. You remember how I'm an inventor with a magic power? This place was my paradise. I knew I didn't have too much time to mess around with parts and the best part that I've been hiding for awhile? I figured out my magic. I knew how to control it. My magic powers were based off of my emotions. If I was angry, the flame was red. If I was sad, blue. So on and so on, you get the idea. I quickly threw a bunch of parts together and created what I think was my best invention at the time yet. It was a sword like no other. Its blade imbued from my magic powers, no legitimate blade, but just the flame of my powers emitting from its handle. The handle was an iron plated handle, with a plasma pod in the back of it. Inside of that plasma pod, was not plasma, but an energy source. That energy source was actually an orb made of my flames, with enough electric volts to power that weapon for a long time. Oh and the best part? I used my flame powers and an iron bar to engrave Nella and I's name into the blade handle. 

Now, let me tell you the best part. Nobody else was able to use the newly created weapon. Not unless I granted them the flame to hold the handle of the blade. Which, granted me confidence that it couldn't be used against our army. It got quiet for a minute, and I knew we were out of time. The goons had arrived. Sure enough, when I had walked outside of the spare parts room, there they were. Hundreds, maybe thousands of them, swarming towards the door in front of us. I walked over to the front of our little battalion that was trapped in the castle, looked at Nella and then straight forward at our goon force ahead. We stood our ground. The goon army charged. We drew our weapons and waited until they got closer. And then they showed up. Faster than we had thought, our backup had arrived. I ordered my team to clear the doorway, and as we jumped out of the way, our tank force broke the door down, and the cannon ball they had fired put a dent in the goon force. It shot through rows of them, taking down maybe a few dozen. I looked at our group, and said I was going to take care of L. I tossed Nella a headpiece, and told her if she needed help, to radio me. I created sky blue flames on my hand and launched myself over the goons, and upwards towards where L had flown. 

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a whole elevator shaft, but built to fit L's throne and his throne only. I dodged and zipped my way to not get hit by bullets being fired from below me and in a few minutes made it to the top. I threw myself towards the bridge and looked around for L. No sign of him at all. But then, I heard him. His deep bellowing voice, echoing my name. Over and over again. I watched, as he emerged from the darkness of the shadows ahead. There he was. After so long, he finally gets himself close enough for me to fight him. This was finally my chance. Take out L, bring back what this country was before and fix everything. This was how I did it. I could not waste this opportunity. L drew himself towards me and brought his throne to a stop. He stepped out, and as he put his feet on the bridge, a giant thud followed. I looked at him questionably. And then I figured it out. His armor was weighted and massively thick, to protect him. I gritted my teeth, as he walked closer. He told me, there was no end, and he would kill everyone and everything I ever loved. All just to hurt me. I stood my ground. I needed to take him out for good this time. There was no other options. He needed to go. I reached over my shoulder and grabbed my plasma blade/revolver combination and prepared myself as he leaped towards me. I dodged it easily, but I wasn't expecting him to swing backwards after passing me. He caught me off guard and knocked me to the ground, as his elbow connected with my jaw. I hit the ground hard, coughing up blood and a tooth. I stumbled back to my feet and swung my blade with all the strength I could muster. My vision was blurry but I heard him screaming in pain. I hit him, but I wasn't sure how badly damaged he was. He lunged at me again, and I dropped to the ground, and swung at his ankles. I missed, but my vision kicked back in. I switched my blade to a revolver and shot at him. He dodged the first three shots, but the last three connected deep into his armor. 

The sheer power behind my bullets colliding with his armor, knocked him off balance, and I leaped towards L. I thrusted my blade towards his neck, but he swatted my blade out of my hand. I watched in horror as the blade went flying off the bridge, into the void beneath us. I gritted my teeth harder and screamed in anger. He had looked at me and just laughed. I leapt at him once more, tackling him to the ground. I threw my fists into his cheeks over and over again, hoping he would slow down. But it was no use. He kicked me off, and threw my body towards the end of the bridge. I slid and swung off the side of the bridge, but I grabbed the side, holding on with everything I had to not fall. The void below me was pitch black, and I put all my effort into trying to climb back up. Before I had the chance, L was over me, stepping on my hands, crushing my fingers. I screamed in pain, and my earpiece was on so Nella heard it. I knew from her response she left the army to come help me. L dragged my limp body back onto the bridge and kicked me in the side repeatedly, knocking all of the air out of my lungs. Just as he was about to step on my ribcage and put full force on my chest, he stumbled and fell to the ground next to me. Nella had hit him with her spear, and completely pierced his armor. I turned as the spear was completely through his shoulder. I dragged my body up, and laughed. He stumbled to get himself up as well, but I stepped on his back with full force and slammed him back down. I grabbed my plasma knife and plunged it deep into his chest, leaving him alive for a little longer but enough to put him into extreme pain.

I plunged the knife in and out of his chest, one time for everyone who he had caused pain and lit my knife on fire with my red flame. I stepped off of him and began to walk away with Nella. But then I stopped. I looked and Nella and apologized and teleported her back to the army. I turned around and unsheathed my newest weapon. I ignited the flame blade and thrusted it deep into L's limp body and lifted him up, off the bridge and above the void. I threw punch after punch with my free hand, and he had gathered enough strength to grab my knife off my side and slammed it into my chest. I collapsed to the ground, dropping him down with me. We were both covered in blood, beaten to death, and weakened severely. I crumpled myself off the ground once more, slamming the new weapon deep into his body and ignited the flame. He was burning from the inside out, and I left it there, and walked away. L was dead. For good. Or I had thought. He slowly crawled towards me. I pulled out the teleporter device and had one of his goons guns sent through a portal to my hand. I placed it over my shoulder and fired. I heard his body thud to the ground and off the bridge. It was over. I limped my way to the rest of my army and as I got there, I collapsed. Everything was just black.

Anyways, reader. It's that time again. I must go for now. Don't worry, there's more, I promise. Stay tuned... I'll be back. I promise I'm not dead. If I was, how would I be here telling you all of this if I was dead? Exactly. Talk soon, friend. Nella's calling me again for dinner. At least I hope it's dinner and not worse...

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