Note from the Author

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Thank you everyone for reading Heroes of the Future: The Prophecy!! This is book one in the series and I promise you book two is already being planned out and soon to be started in the writing process! For those who have been here since the beginning, thank you for seeing this journey through to its end!!! I hope you all enjoyed and without saying too much about what to expect in this series in the future, Xavier and company will return!!!! Stay tuned for news about Heroes of the Future: From the Ashes! COMING SOON! 

Until next time everyone! This is Bowen Bussing, signing off and I will see you all with the return of Xavier, Nella, and everyone else!!! I love you all and appreciate every single one of you!!! See you all very soon with your friends, Xavier and Nella!!!

Heroes of the Future (Book One: The Prophecy)Where stories live. Discover now