Chapter Six: Peace is a Myth

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Hey. One last time. Yes, it's me Xavier. Don't worry, I wasn't gonna finish this story without reminding you one last time. Sorry, I try to be funny, did you not laugh? Not even a little? Damn you have no sense of humor. Okay, never mind then. Ready to finish this story off? Before we do, I want you to hear the end of this story and my goal is that you'll go out and do something big to make a change in your world. Remember, I'm from the future. I know what happens and how it ends. So from me to you, please try and change the outcome. Maybe in your timeline, L won't come to power. But promise me, you'll try to fix humanity before it's doomed like we were with L? I'd really appreciate it. But if you change it in your time, this may be the last time you hear from me. You know what altering timelines does right? Okay good. Then you understand what'll happen..

I had woken up, as what Nella had informed me was a year after I had defeated L. Apparently, I had fallen victim to a coma for a whole year due to my significant amount of blood loss. But, I was alive so I guess that was good. Nella gave me a deep kiss and pushed my lips into hers. Of course I returned the kiss, I loved Nella. And after what we had just gone through together, our relationship was definitely stronger. The doctor came into my room and dropped his clipboard to the floor, and told me how it was a miracle how I had woken up in only a year. I laughed a little but grunted in pain, and the doctor explained how my ribs hadn't healed yet. I struggled to get myself sitting up in the hospital bed. Nella helped me and helped me stay sitting up. It felt like days had passed after I woke up, and next thing I knew I was cleared to be discharged from the hospital. As I walked outside, people were standing there, with signs and posters of me and cheered for me. I had become a hero to these people by defeating L. I never could have imagined I would be a hero. Especially not in the way I had become one. Nella and I fought our way through the crowd all the way back to my old house. Nella unlocked the door and as we walked inside, everyone was there. Luke, and the soldiers, Ryan from the café, Nella's parents even. They came over to me and hugged me, thanking me for keeping Nella safe, alive, and now stronger than ever. I hugged them back lightly, still mildly weak. Nella helped me to the couch and turned on the television, handing me the remote. We watched our favorite show together for a few hours as Luke cooked dinner for everyone. We all had dinner and then Nella and I went to bed. 

Peace had been existent for a year or so after L's death. I had become the First President of the NEW United States of America. Except I had the name changed. We fought for a rebirth for this country so it deserved better. I created what I named The Unionized States of Nova. A week later, I was crowned the First Hero of the Future. Life was finally turning around. Not just for me, but for everyone. Everyone was happy finally. And the best part? Me and Nella had children!!!! Our oldest, Dakota had just turned one. A few years later we had Zoe. And a year after Zoe, we had our newest and last child Lukas, named after Luke. 

It had been 5 years now since L's death, and my presidency beginning. Nobody wanted me to drop presidency so here I was. One night, Nella and I were watching television after the kids were sleeping, and what came on the tv is something we would never have imagined would happen again. A man, who we had not known their name at the time, had been angered at the death of L and wanted revenge. We learned his name later, and we learned he had a secret that could have been dangerous to everyone and the country we just rebuilt. 

You really wanna know his name reader? Fair warning, his name may be familiar. And it should be, because you know them. It turns out, Ryan wasn't really Ryan. He was a descendant of some dangerous evil from a planet called Plerbus and he had powers that had been kept hidden for a long time. Just when we thought we finally had peace, it ends...

Peace truly doesn't exist here reader...It's a myth nobody wants to admit is true. Well reader war was once again on the brink and nobody else was around to stop it but us. The cycle begins once again... this is Xavier, signing off....

***END OF BOOK 1***

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