Chapter One: Just Your Average Guy

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Hey, so my name is Xavier. I'm 18 years old, I am 5'11 if that matters, and I work out a lot so I weigh about 174 pounds. I know what you're thinking. Why am I reading a book about an average person going about their life which is probably boring? Just wait, I promise. It gets super interesting later. I know the suspense is killing you right now but if you want to know all the good parts of this story you just have to keep reading friend. So I'm gonna tell you about one of the most interesting points in my life and how it ended up becoming a really big deal. 

I believe it all started in the beginning of this past April. Oh, I forgot to mention its 2045 for those wondering. Anyways, back to the main reason we're here. I had gotten up at dawn on I think it was a Thursday? It doesn't matter I guess. Either way, it was a weekday morning and I had gotten up at sunrise as I usually did. I got out of bed that morning and gotten dressed for my morning walk. I went outside and saw the usual view. The common protesters, every now and then you could catch a criminal usually doing stupid things every now and then if you were lucky. Of course, nobody said anything about it because they were scared that they would be in danger for snitching. Nobody usually intervened with things like that because there really wasn't anything anybody could do about it either.

Anyways, I started walking and breathing in the morning air. It was moist from the rainstorm we had gotten the night before. I was walking for maybe half an hour or so before I stopped for some morning coffee from my favorite coffee shop. It was called "The Morning Sip". I knew the owner quite well. His name was Ryan and he didn't mess around with all the chaos going on. He kept a shotgun behind the counter and he always had 12 bullets next to it. That way if anybody tried to mess with him or his shop, he'd pull it out and the person would usually always run off rather quickly. I had been witness to a few of these situations. Ryan was not a person to mess with because he had zero tolerance for stupidity. I'm getting off topic again, back to the story, bear with me okay? I drank my coffee and tipped Ryan a 20 along with my bill. I waved to Ryan as I walked out of the shop and began making my way back to the house. 

I had walked in silence for maybe 15 minutes or so before someone whispered to me in an alley. I looked at them confused and they nodded and motioned for me to come over to them. So, I had followed them into the alley and they looked around before pulling their hood down. It was a beautiful woman and she looked at me in the eyes like I was supposed to recognize her somehow. She hesitated a moment before telling me her name was Nella. To be completely honest, I fell in love with her at first sight. She could tell by my facial expression and snapped me out of my trance. She looked me in the eyes and I could see she was dreaming about me too. So, I made the move to ask her out. She smiled at me and she was blushing a little if I remember correctly too. I remember she accepted and I told her to meet me at the restaurant around the corner from the alley we were standing in at around 6 pm that night. She agreed and said goodbye and turned around and walked away. I turned around and did the same thing and continued to walk back to my house. But, it was only moments before I heard a siren behind me and I brushed it off assuming they were going towards the protesters. 

But, the police hover vehicle pulled up next to me and slowed down to my pace. They eventually stopped and got out of their vehicles and surrounded me. I had been so confused as to why they were stopping me of all people. But apparently someone had reported me for a false accusation. I was being falsely accused of scheming a plot with Nella who I had just met and was trying to overthrow L. They slammed me against the wall and began to throw cuffs on me before someone yelled in my direction. The cops slowly turned around and one put their hand on their gun holster in case it was needed. I turned my head and saw Nella out of the corner of my eye. She ran towards me and the officers and told them what we were doing in the alley. They asked her why we were planning a date in the alley and she told them that we were getting away from the chaos in the streets. They hesitated for only a moment before they began to uncuff my hands and let go of me. 

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