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3rd POV

"So what were you doing in the room back then?" Asked kunimi jealousy evident in his voice.
he wasn't gonna try and hide the fact that he was actually burning with jealousy, nope not anymore.
A rare smile formed on iwaizumi's lips as he stared at the younger. Kunimi's face twitched at this as his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, "huh? What are you talking about kunimi??"matsukawa said staring between the two,their other team members looked at them suddenly all interested with what was happening. forgetting about the message that he just received hinata's face turned crimson as he knew exactly what kunimi was talking about but didn't actually understand why he's bringing it up at the moment.

"It's nothing"kunimi scoffed still looking at iwaizumi who's expression didn't fail to annoy kunimi to the core.
"Well this doesn't look like nothing "hanamaki said inching closer,"I mean just look at iwaizumi's face! That's really not nothing" hanamaki said in a duh tone his face showing amusement. Watari nodded his head now also interested in what was happening between the three.
"Did something happen with or may I say..between you three?"kindaichi said pointing with his index finger at the three,hinata oikawa and iwaizumi,. And if it was possible hinata's face flamed red even more as he tried to hide his face by staring down at his food.
"Guys it really is nothing,kunimi just walked in on me strangling Oikawa 'cause he was annoying me and hinata was next to us telling me to stop, nothing important,right kunimi?"iwaizumi said ever so calmly as if that's what really happened and he wasn't making all this up.
"Yeah..right told you it's nothing"kunimi said amusdly but his hardened gaze never softening as he stared at the two third years in front of him.

Hinata fiddled with his fingers from under the table, not really feeling hungry anymore,his gaze darted from his food and up to where the other tables that's been filled with players from different teams,were placed.
His eyes met with one of the miya twins that he'd met that morning,to his surprise a smile formed on the latter's face,and he waved at him. Hinata taken by surprise, smiled back at him slightly as he waved back, then his gaze fell down again to where his food tray was placed.
'Well that was okay I guess..?' he thought to himself before once again being distracted by his phone vibrating.
He flinched a little,then he stiffly took it out of his pocket for the second time. Expecting another message from the unknown number, he opened his phone and not surprised at all he saw a notification indicating a new message from the same unknown number.
He closed his eyes briefly before sighing,then he opened them again looking at the message ever so slightly.

Y'know you shouldn't leave your sister wandering
Around in a place she or even you don't know hmm?

Hinata's eyes widened after reading the message and his horrified face looked up from his phone to where the managers sat.
And there they were all sitting together,but his sister was nowhere to be seen.
Hinata automatically stood up from his seat gaining the attention of his teammates, "what's up hinata-kun?"watari said, hinata's terrored face turned to look at his members for a slight second and then back at the managers,"I-I'm n-not hungry a-anymore" he stuttered out and went out of his seat towards the manager's table not explaining any further.

Oikawa frowned and looked at iwaizumi who was frowning as well he then looked to where hinata sat and saw his phone before he picked it up from it's place.
Oikawa opened the phone as it had no password on it and his face looked as if he'd just seen a ghost waving at him. Iwaizumi took the phone from his hands, and started reading the message, before anger boiled inside of him and he gripped the phone tighter,he then looked up to see where hinata has went, and there he was talking to one of the managers at their table.
Iwaizumi turned to Oikawa and muttered,"let's go" and the setter nodded not being able to form a word at the moment.
The two stood up and excused themselves from the table before going to where hinata stood,making their already confused members more confused.

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